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Scarlet Fever And Diphtheria

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All inflnonces which depress the vital powers and vitiate the tluids of tho body tend to promote the development and spread of these diseases. Amono; these the most comtnon and powerful are irapure air and impure water. Because of this, and asa means of lessetnng the danger of eontracting almost all other diseases, the following piecautions should always be taken, Dut more part.icularly durins; the prevHlcnce of such diseases as we are considerin: 1. The ground under and around the house should be well drained. 2. N'o vegetable or animal matter should be allo wed to decorapose on the surfaoe of the ground near the house. S.'Your whoie hou9e, espeoially its sleeping rooms, should be well ventilated. 4. ïour cellar should ba dry and well ventilated; it should frequently be whitewashed, tnid aiways kept olë.tr of decomposiug vegetables or otber substance. ö. No cesspool should be illowed near the house, if there e one, it should be thoroughly n'ú frequently disinfected ui-: ü of iron (oopperas). 6. ïour house drains should be looked to with scrupulous care, to I i:i.'V :in! well trapped, kept clear, and ventilated into t!m open air. ! 7. Be sure that your drinking water is : not oontaminated by surface lrain:"j;e, nor by leakage froiu the drain, gas pipe, sewer, oesspool, or vault. by the observanoe of these simple rules iliese epidemie diseases may be almopt entireiy kept at bay, ox i tractt'd, be easily brought onder subjection. E: ice shows that the Individua) bealth is ehiefly within each ] one's okii control. And one chief j tr in seenring it is to keep the house j and all snrrouudings in a state of perfnct cloanliness. - at Work. The mercmitilo failures in England diiring the tirst half of 1879 numnered 8,9(10. During the wbole of 1878 the faüures numbered 15,950, and duriog 1877, 11,032. Com inenting on the reporta of these failures, the London Timer, says tliat in two ehief industrie Ihere are signs that the suü'ering has been severe. ïhe failuras in the cotton and in the iron traden during the past six monihs have been in excess of tlieir due propoition. In both of them the fa il virus for 1878 were more nurnerons than for 1877. In spite of these cliiaranens the failures for 1879 hiive been more numcrous still. - The Geographioal Department of the J apáñese Government, which is displajing considerable activity in directions, ruis oommenced the publication iü sheets oí a large plan of the City of ïeddo, showing the variom divimons, gtreets, bridges,eto , giving the nsmes in Japanuse aad Koman characters.


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