A Scene Of Unseemly Levity In The Lime-kiln Club
Just as the honored President of the Lirae-Kiln Club was about to leave his house on Indiana street to proceed to Paradiae Hall and open the meeting, as usual, Mrs. Gardner climbed the line fence to borrovv a " drawing of lard" of a neighbor. In some way, : unexplained as yet, her feet became i entangled in the boards, and she threw down twenty-eight feet of fencing, and bronght lip among the weods vvith a sprained anhle. The President was, tlierefore, detained at home fifteen minutes bevond the hour for opening the meeting. There were nearty eighty members on hand, and a spirit of deviltry seemed to grasp right hold of even the old gray-heads. Trustee Pullbaek, who is in his sixty-seventh year, danced a regular breakdown in the middle of the floor; the Hon. John Paradox cuffed hats with the Rev. Penstock; Waydown Bebee threw a dipper of water over the sacred persen of Deacon Hastings, and Samuel Shin and Ei dor Toots feil over a bench and jarred the hall to its foundations while engagcd in a back-hold wrestle. In the inidst of thia jubilee Brother Gardner walked in. Some one in the baek end of the hall just then threw a hardboiled egg at the honored pate of Judge Goslin, and it struck tha President fair between the eyes. Hegotup aftera minute, brushed the dust off his elothes, and proceeded to his chair, and when the triangle sounded the hall was asstill as death. " Gem'len, I beg to inquiar' if dis am de nineleenth century, or if we hav roturned to de barbarie aige?" soft!y inquired President as he feit of the bump oreated by the ez'XThere was no answer. Here and there in old member coukl be seen rolling up the cotton blossouis bebind his eyeballs; but not a whisper broke the 9tillness. " I doan' know who frowed dat egg, nor who begun dis scène o levity," resnmed the President; "but I nebber want to see any mo' of it. I didn't intend to pass de collfikshun hat aronn' at dis meetin', bein' asdeTreasurer am a long ways ahead, but de collector wül at onee pass aroun'. Let me add dat de pussun who raised dis bump between my eyes ruu.n't toss less dan half a dollar ihto de hat." Qiioki;ned conscieuoe made the collection foot up oer ter dollars, and there wusn't a eoin smallor thanadime in the hat -
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus