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Let There Be Peace, Brethren

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Not only is the Allegan, hut its editor, Don Heud.irson is personally engaged iu bringing about the nomination of senator Tom Palmer of Detroit for povernor. Don is a host in himseif nnd wiil leavc 110 itone untiirned to acoouiplish his object, llia newspaper is Htalwart of' the stalwarts to a dpgree beyond decency in treatment of opponents. He is consoious in the belief that the mantle of leadership of the republioan party of Michigan was bequeathed to him by the late senator, whoni ho peg. Ilis leadership in hia oounty is sa repngnaut, his bulldozing so defiant, hig deterinination to crush out all oppoitiou within his own party eo flagrat, that republican neighbors tired of abueo though the columns of bis journal launolicd an opposition paper last week. The track is not clear for would-bo governor Palmer. A dangeroua barrier was set np in Detroit by tho selection of tha chairman of the state cointnittec Paliner's candidate being beaten. The prese, too, protest against tho crowding of Palmer upou the party. Our cotemporary, the Advian Times, published ftt the home of the present ezucutive and pre8uiaubly refltcting his sentiments, uttera ft word of warniug in tbe annexed extract: "The Allegan Journal is theacknowledged organ uf thu "boom" for Hon. T. W. Palmer, for Governor. And we are uorry to see that it is inclined to run aiunck agiiinst ar.y Republicana who io not at once give adherence to and help forward the fortunes of its favorito. It attacks the state couuniltee, attacks prominent Republicana who are outside tce comniittee, and acts generally in a buinptious mul ill-uatured nianner. It seeni8 to crack the party whipsoraewhat too much, and to propose to niake fealty to Senator Palmer the test of Republioantsm. Now, this ia all nonsense. It is worse than a crime ; it ia a blunder. Any other Republicau in Michigan has equal righta with Senator Palmer to aspire to the Republicau notaination for Governor. If that gentleman is wise, he will cali off bis dogs aud not allow them to attempt to dragoon the Republicaus of Michigan into nis support. If these superservicetiblo lïiends of his were andoavoring to compasa his def:U they could take no surer way thiin the one they arv pursuing. It is time to cali a bult. It is a somewhat new idea in the politics of the state that tho friends of oue prospectivo candidnte enfteavor to uiake capital for üitn by attacUing others of equally good standing iu the party. Süme time eince the Alliigan Journal annour.ced that Mr. Palmer wonld be noininated for Governor en the first ballot. It is lome months yet to the convention, and we prophesy if Mr. Palmer's frieuds continuo thei present course. he will not be placed i the race." A conference of the national greenback-labor party held in Washington last week concluded to hold a national eonvontion in Chicago June 9. The aiaeting was disorderly as usual. Evory one present deemed himself a statesman and wauted to talk and would talk deapite the chairman's attempt to uiaintain order. Dennia Kearney, the mnd lot orator imposed hiuiáelf upon the assemblage disgraóing it so far as he could by guch assertionsas "The republican party is run by uational-bank directors, ironboofud ecoundrels who were shod in heil," democratio party is run by tooU of these soouudrels" "if the Ameiican people had any courage they would hang John Sherman," &c. This languago must havo beou highly ödLfyini; to the unsexed feraale-suffraga shriekers presont who seem williiig to withstand a great deal of profane and obscene oratory if they can gut Ihetnselves before the public. Congressman Weaver predicted ultímate sucoess of the rag baby. He must be a mount tin of hope. Dofaloatioiia como right along without intHrruptioa. Benjamin G. Bogert s'mce 1S02 treasurer of tfco N. Y. produce exehange defttults for $.35,000, and owes a bank beside $50,000. To oavo the courts from trouble and t:x payrs from expenso he oommitted suiciJe. In the big city where one man knows littla of the habita of his iatimate friends, Bogert led a diasolute life dyiug in a disreputable house, those who had unbounded coafidence in him not knowing of his inside life until receutly. Dis grace and failure are thus brought upon bis sons and partners in business. Cleveland has au eocontrio oíd baohIüt wuo inherited a fortune acquired in. a singular manner. The eider Case sold a yoko of oxen, and unable to obtain the morioy took in pymeut a sectkra of land ia the center of the now city of Cleveland, the rise in value of ■whioh made hina wealthy. Thia valnable property was bequeathad to a son, who, jilted in his youth, lived a Ufe uf oölibacy. Dying the othor day he left propurty valued at $1,200,000 for thu endownieut of nn institutiou to be known as The Case Suhool of Applied iSoienoe. Chicago has a piethora oí' whüat. llar elevators and warohouses witü a capacity of 10,000,000 bushtils are tull, tnany veseels are loaded for spring delivery, and oarn by the hundred are standing on tracks, with no phioo availablo iu which to store their contenta. Thia unuaual coudition oí' things augura well for freights both oa land and water at tho opening of na%7ig!ition. Since the anuouncenient was made that Eugano Halo was to make Michigau his residence in ordor to care for the estáte of his late father-in-luw, it iu suggested to mnke him aenator. Bagley, Croswell, Conger, Newberry and othei'a hopiüg to Btep into Chandler'b shoe-' in 1881, don't thiuk well of the idea am ara inaking up thoir minds whether o Dot they shall dub líale a carpet-bagger We had rather be the inodost, unpreteutious editor of a country paper than to incur the ciski of a oaar. Ene Ia6t attempt to kill the monarch of the Rus8ias, was to blow up a railroad train in whieh be was a passenger. Uneasy must Ho the orown on his head. I' 3 eitremely probublo Junios G. Bbvino bas his substitute gntectei in oase thero is to bo any fightiug in Maine. ' My veiling and mcriiing pruyer is lal (irmit will not lie nominated," eaid llalíitad ai Washington, last j eek, aooordhig to a New York Graphic j iterview. ïiii editor of tho Ciuoinnati trcial tu prewed to say whefcher itild support (Jraut it he was uoniiBted, and, wliile Mr. Ilalaiead spoke f Lij course as au open questiüii, lus nswut Büuwud clf arly enough Iiíh intenous. ' 1 slu'uld btitu to most awfuliy," aid Iip, " niid I u in atraid if the Demo ratí shuuid nomínate umn I like, I 'ould be liabla to opposu Mr. Urasit's lection. But 1 ani afraid thoy wun'l oiiiinato a good nao, und I would tw jen in thu íix of tho nigKer I reía bout. Ho wetit. to omp meeting and se preacher Baid that thero wera two oads, one leading lo bell.mid tho other o damnation. 'Lo'd a masBy,1 oried tío darkey, 'dis nigRer'll hab to tske to lie woodi.' " The woods vvill be full of liein in that event, The New Haven leurder trial, the ongofit upon record convening in üotoler was coucluded Friday, so far as takng testiniony is oouoerned. Ou Wedncjaday Bigumeuta oommanced. liev Mr. Hitydeu, ftocuaad of murdoriüg Mary SlannarJ, haa undcrgone a terri ble ordaal, to say notbing of the court and jnror8. A verdict is anxiously awaited by a lnrc;e nurnber of people. It was dowuright meanuess for Don ïendereon of the Allegan Journal, after trotting out our fallow-oitizen, K. A. ijivl, Esq., for governor, to desert him, and iustall bimself commander-in-chief of the Torn Palmer boom. Such base ngratitude onglit to le puuiRhabla with corapound interest, and we prophecy Don will harvest his rocreaucy soouer or ater. __ Williams )8 a coloree! meinber of the Ohio legialature. Going into a Colutnjus restaurant to rei'rebh himsftlf after a dny's labor, he was refused a meal. He announces his intention of bringinu; a suit for daraagea ander the civil -rights act. No one but a nigger would thrust himself into places where he is not wsnted. _________ TJ. S.Gran t,Jr.,pos8esses muohshre wdnepsia marryitig. Next raonthheisannouaced talend to the altar Miss Flood, dnnghter of the Califoruian oapitalkt. The father-in-law of örant, senior, supportert bim in hisyouoger dy, Qrant, Jr., protlts by the exampl. If the eagle feeli tiiat he li9 been counted out in Maine, be will h.ivo to go to the Dominion or jMoxioo to find a auitable placn for a nest.


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