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South Haven has shippod this year $56,000 worth of peaches, 9,000 worth of apples and $7,000 for berries. Kilamazoo expeots a visit from Gen. Grant in M ly, and is r.lready uiuking preparatious to give hitn a big reception. - Cooper & Thayer, one of the heaviest dry goods firma in Ionia, made an assig irueni Jan. 6. Liabüities Í30.000, asceta $20,000 to $25,000. - Mattie Curtís, a yuung womrm of doubtfal reputution, made a despúlate attempt to commit Buicide at Grand XUpids on the 8th by taking morpbine, but prompt medical iuteríerencü íaved her. - A young Buttle Creek girl bas made playmates of two boa constrictorg - the property of the school museum - and at i recent lucal entertainment in that city alie gave an exhibitiuu iu Buuko fondling. - Hon. Isaac Maratón has no become chief juatice of tho supremo court of Michigan, under that provisión of law by which each judge bucomea the chief juslice during the Ust two years of his tertu. - A SUelby, Macoiub cointy, bacholor willed his proj)f;rty, itbout 3,000 to Borne nuighbors of his who onred for him in his last sickuesa, and now some ot' his fiiends are conteating tho saino on the ground of undue iufluence. ■ - The land for the propoced Spiritualat camp ground, near Goguao lako, bas jeen already eecured, two responsible ïiirtiea having guaranteod the $5,000 ecessary to that end. Conimittees are anvassing the state for funds for the iuiïdiugs. -Mr. Will F. Goldie, the bank-teller who fled froni East Saginaw a few years go, with his cash account very seriousy short, has roturned to that place and vill remain there. It is underatood that ie has beeu working night and day evor ince, and has mado ampie restitution. The Atwood-Ward adultery cae, which just dow agitates the people of Mülington, is one of those peouliarly uaughty things that occasionally result jctweeii choir leader and organistgreatly to the scandal of those who accepted the masic as a part of the public worship. - Samuel A. Hawes, a wealthy citizen of Battle Creek, was found dead in lus bed on the lOth with a pistol in hia ïand and tvo bullets in his brain. He was 83 years of' age. A clear case of sulcide. The probable oauso was oíd age, despondency and the fact that he was tired of life. The Iittle 9-years old daughter of C. O. Ingraham of Grand Junction, Van Buren county, had been suffering trom whooping oougfa, butjyas supposed to be nearly well from its etfeots. The mother left the room for a few moments, and on her return iound the child on the íloor dcad, she having burst a bloud vessel whilo in a fit of coughing iind choked to death. - Two prisoners, John Freemnn, sen tenoed from Washtenaw for housebreaking-, and James Long, from Ionia for lurceny, and who have heen eu-.ployed aronnd one of the buildings, attempted to escape froin the Ionia prison on the 8th. They managed to slip awsy and Uid upqn the roof of one of the wings. After a two hours' search they woro found, wbon they at once carne down, but on the way to their cells Freeman. who íh a powerful negro and a hard oase, made a desperate as:imlt on Doputy Warden Fargo, and it wa a narro, esfrom manier. The fellows wero iuially overpowered aud seut to the dungeon. i


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