General News
- M&ssaohusetta owes f33,020, 404. Mr. Christianoy has returned frora Lima to Washington. - Süiiatur Lautarof Miss., waestriuken witb ji-trulysis Bunday. - Anniveraary oí' the buttleof Ne Oilean? was celebrated in man y cltie. - Plyinouth oburoh pwn soW lust week for $40 023, 4(MI lese taan last yenr. - P&rnell wi Dillon, the Irish agittors wero warmly welcomed in Boston Monday evening. - Tl-,e Euipte3 of Russia is kept alivo 'iniy by oli&iupague and morphine, and her detilh is now loolceil for any dny. - $500 hftving beeu offt-rtd for the head of the late count Joaunep, two attoinpts h;iTu bf.m made to etel the body. - Gongres8inen gruinbla terribly at being oompellad to take 10 nir oent. of thi ir salariiisin ailver. Thesergennt-atarms Uas ou hand mort, than 0,000 stand ard dollars, which mem bera have begged ofï from, rufus'id, oravoidud tukiug. Hu does not kuow what to do with them. TreftsurerOilüliin.iust.üad of taking tbeiii t);icK, giyes him oue-tenth uilver every time ho draws inoufly, gaying tljat it is lawful u!Oiiey and roprenontativos ougbt to tuke it.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus