Justices' Court
- JuliuB Weinburg of Rawsonville plond Ruilty iu Judtice üwabau's court of selling liquor without a licenso, and reposes in jail twenty days. - Jan. 14, the day eet by Justice Frueauff for trial of Geo. Dibble who ttlleged Michael Kleis of Seio stok! wheat, th; oomplainant, Kleis, failed to apptar to prosccute Dioble. Klois was thorefore assessed Í14 costs. Case of John Thayer and William Qrahum of this city, arraigned betore Jiistica Oriuigpr on Monday charged with BellÍDg liquor to a deaf and duinb young man, Mnjor J. A. Brown.wasdis . ruinsBd, 3omplainant Miss Alargüret lirown not uppearing. - Iu the c;is of the Paople vs. Ida Boyer, chargHil with stealing a lady's black feit hut propertyof Mrs. GhristiriM Rentsohler, prisouer wüh arraigned bi'orp Justiue FrusafF on Moi'.day. Bsing a ohild of thirteen yeaCT Hou. J:ih. McMahon state agent of reformatory institatious '-Vii! oaUfd in. Tvlntter adjourned cu Jiiu. 17 to permit investigaron.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus