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The Effect Of The First Sewing Machine In India

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In the di : ;tna liino was iïi its r::'v4 Ltitanuy. a !iy residing in 1 id tor lonrí litne ' i n hid fr'n the ken oí her natire tailor. 'ihie functionarj as the very stowest of his ïJiu-i; !■-.:! low " caste," aud wasiod no oud uf time drawling over hem and sti'.ch. One day his miBti came to Imn arm-laden with yar(3 opon yj'-rud ;t sume dress fabrio. " Dirzie," eajs the, " how lone wil] it take yon to run : ; t()getber?" " Tru e (ty, Miasis," replies Dirzie. "Missis, :ase, pienly too much wdrk," " Tfaree days! Nonscue! Thro tours, yon mean. You are a very Ij-.} man ?-;'.! I'll cut your pay. (iive rue the ■tuff; PU do it my seliF." Tbeh the Udy rotirea to hor boudoir. Irora the in most penelralia of K'liiuh a fhtfp and continuóos eiu-k iv whh-r re tch ' . i tailor's ears. He rrin't maie ent wbat the soinid is, id1 lie is n)ii"h too hizy to gpeculate on it. He coutinnes to r'ohew tietel," and yawninglj to piy needlí and th.tpad. After aii hMir or two "Misáis" edmes back, and throwing at Mr. Dire'g feet the raw material no? faahioAed into a completed sVirt, s.iys: "There! See! Yon svanted three days, you sleepy lellow, to linish this, and I haye done it Hiruaüy." Astoniyhet], üirzie turus over the drapry, examines the seamK scrntinizes ihe stitcü, and satisties lninsclf that all is proper and tocordiní to tailors' rule. Ho is confounded. It pa ijinderstsndiijo:, rrk„. i;.,. ,:. , .i-'. !"). and DO mistake. B'.it how? He springs up from the rnut on which he h;v-) been sqaattini' lia kicksover tbe little brass vossel whTch h'Ada biá driuking water; h soatters riglit and ïeft thread, neodlea, thimble; e stops i;rt to put on bis sanrlals or to adjiiBt loosened turban and waistoloth. Scared and bewildered, he runs for very liie into the bazaar, shou'ing a. lie goos along: " Shittia! chitan! [The evil one! the evil one.'J Ho do tailor business that Meafs house. I Sisten! l heT! He cry 1 Cleek, oleek, oleek!' Two hour tiuio he neber atoo cry. Den! Plenty too mucn truo dis wor! I teil. Ebory bit true. All work dons finish! Inotgo Jimok dü'. bungalow." Aud he nevar


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