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The Fourth Of July Under The Mid-night Sun

The Fourth Of July Under The Mid-night Sun image
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A party of Americana celebrated the one hundred and second anniversary of oui National independence at North Cape, Norway, latitude soventy-one degreea íifteen minutes, longituae twcnty-five degrees, fifty minutes. Thoy arrived there at eleven o'clock on the night of July 3d, and at one minute after midnight guns were iir-t'. and the ghrill sounds of the engine's whistle were made to respond bo the rumoer of stars on our flag, and loud cheers given to nsher in our great National holiday. The pftrty then ascended the almost perpendicular cliff (nine hundred feet high) and raised tlie American flag, the flag made for the occasion by the ludios of the party out of materials purd at one of the Norwegian towns. When the flag was raised cheers and led over the waters. ertainly a most extraordinary ■ for such a robably the i ■ y of Amerjcans ever celebrated the Fourth of July at such an hour and at such a latitude and Longitude. The midnight sun shone upon them all tlio time with dazzling brightness. Far to the north theygazea outJ on the Atlantic Ocean dashiug against the great cliff on which they stood. Behind them were the snowmountains, pyhich they had and nol a living creature waa near them bul the sea-birds that arose screaming from the water as the broken. The North 'I seyenty-one degreea of north and about one nundred miles north of Hammerfest, the most northerly town in the world. It is live di north than the most northern part of Iceland. - Scte?tijic American. - A negro nam ri .- ho 'e ■ hout that v;l lor his amázing Btrength. B four inches high, ur,d weighed two hundred and tbirty pounds. He eould ■iip a bairel containing thirty or forty gallons, stand erect and hold the bung to his 'ï'imth and drink out oí it; ould throw an ordinaryards; h.e eould " pull down1'' four men with a handspi one time; he eould shoiilder and earry that would malo: seventy-five or a hundred rails; and coüld lift a threeyear-old eolt over au eight-rail He c i a deer on Mayfield's Mountain with a rock, overtook and ,1 a black bear with ai and caught and hamstrung a ferocious 1 buil.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus