Joe. T. Jacobs, The Clothier
Th.or3 will Tao a ckange la. zny Lirm osa. or a"bout FEBRUAEY 1, 1380, and -u.aa.til t2aat tisne I will soll my stock of CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHIftG QÖ0D3, HATS, GAPS, GLOVES AND MITTENS tW Some ,s;ooils will be sold lsfi than tliey can "be replaced. I take this plan in order to close my stock as near out aa possible before February lst, aod to give the people the benefit. DONT DELAY! SALE BEGAN DECEMBER 1, 1879. Terins of the sale, cash, except in sums of $100 and over, GO days' approved notes. ANN AEBOE, DECEMBER 1, 1879.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus