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Arsnua! Statement ï"or the year ending Dcoemlier 31st, 1879, öf Uiê oondltion and affairs of the WaSETENAW MUTUAL FIH3 INSUBANCE COMPANI, 1 at Ann Arbor, Mich., organized nnder the I the State of Michigan, Dd doinsbu iu tlie Couuty of Washtenaw m said State. AT.LKN ORITTENDEN, President. NEWTON 8H3EXDON, Secretary. MF.MBERBHIPS. 1. Nnmber of mfinbers' December Sist, of previou year, 1935 '2. Number of nicmbers added daring the Teseut year, m .Total, 86 3 Deduct number of members vrittin durine t)ie ye:ir, and canco] ?d polieii'S by reasun of Bale or olherwiae, 81 4. Nuuibor oí member noY belongiug locumpany l939 RIKTXR. 1. Amonnt of property at riak Dec. Sist of previóua year, 14,067,080 2. Aniuunt of risks addod duiiag present year, s'h'01" 5. Total, $4,413,690 4. Deduct risks cancelcd.withdrawn, or terminated, 34(980 5. Net amouut uow at risk by company, $4,072,710 KESOtlItCES. 1 Amouut of premium or deposit notes ir none. 2. Amount of cash premiums (or assessment) nctunl'y on hand, ■■■iS. Amount of oatstanding asaessmenta Dotoaneeled, 1,626.88 4. Nature and amount of all other reBources, viz., none. 5. Total resources, $1,866.18 MABILITIE8. 1. Claims for losees duo and payable, i Coilins (not callea tor}, w.m , iqi I ;. snot malured, 8. Olnims lor loss-s registed, "oue. 4. HiMire an:l aoiOUUl Ol al! other claim?, viz: Naüonal Bank note, 950.C0 Allon Orittenáen Prldeul, 6.59 JohnJ. WobiBOii,Diri.ctor, 7.66 H. I. Mowry. Director, r ■ JolinCook, Director, Ij. '1'. B. Uoodspeed, tukiugapiilications l'J.UU 5. Total liflbUitiei, $1,181.1U INCOME. 1 Amnunt of premtam on deposit notes .i duringthe year, none. 2. Amount of cash preuiium reeelvefl duriug the year, $JJ-.b 3. Am't eollected on asseasments wlurh were lc-ied during ihu present year 13,3iu.ia 4 Amount eollected tbis year on assesgiieii: wliiili were levied in prior 1,.25.SJ 5 Araiimit received from memberslnp or pelicy fee, U0.S8 6 Amount received fiom percentage on increaaed or decieas;d insurance, none. borrewed, 9S0.OU 7. Incoiae trom all other sources, tiz.: fiom cauctl'.d policits, {13.53; retuoded, tlS-84, - irom baiünce üec. 31, 1878, 23.99 8. Total income for the year, $i6.51i.ll ÜXPESDITORES. 1. Amount prid for losses during the year(ol wbicU $1SO.36 oecurred in prior 3 fl4,488.oi 2. Amount of aalary and fees pi'.id to oh: - cers and directora aa per items in Sohedule A, 1,098.64 3. Amount of all other expenditurea. during the year aa per üchedule B, 928.68 4. Total expenditures during year, $16,515.73 SCHEDULE A. Name of Officer or Dlreotor to whom paid. Am't. President, Allen Crittenden, $182.69 Secietary, Newton Sheldon, 600.00 Director, John J. KobisOD, 147. 1 " II.M.Mowry, 135.04 " Jobn Cook, 89.00 " E. A. Nordman, 28.ÓO T. B. Goodspeed, taking aiplication5, 14.00 Total ScheduleA, $1098.54 SCHEDÜLE B. Items of "all other expenses." . Amount. Interest, - - $640.52 Rent, - M Fnel," - - - 10.00 Postage, - 51.:S Printing, - - - 60.(14 Receivers, - - 52.41 Investigations, - - 10.20 Sundrtes, - - - S4.85 Help in oflice and mailing ciroulars, 9.0 Staflooy, - - - 2-5" Exoh&iwe, - Bal. paid Cook on $700, - - 2.43 Total Scbedule B, Í928.68 MISCELLANEOU3 QUKSTIOSS. 1. How maoy assesaments have ben made during the ycar I A n ., üno. ?, Wliat is tlie amonnt of all the assessments ruade durinfrtlis ycar! Ans.,}15,4O1.0"). 8. What ib the rate per cent of nicb aisessment on the property iusured ! Ans., .0038 peí cent. 4. Whnt is the rte peí cent. of such atoessment on the premium or deposít notesi Ana., None. 5. Whnt amount was re-assesaed for asaassineuts that were not paidï Ans., None. S. "Wlmt auiouiii oí loases were allowed to aooumu1-ite before ui assesament ia leyiedï Ans., Loases paid in thirty dayi by biriog money 7 Poes tbe Cempany, in raalcing an asdessment, provide tberein for any sui [.lu fuiul over the actual losse aecrued ï Yes. lf so, how inueh ? Ans., Estimated expenaei for ensuint? ycar. 8. What proportion of the actual loss sustamed hy a policy liolderdoes the Company iay; Ans., Tvo-tUirda. STATE OF MICniGAN, County of 'Waahtenaw, ss. AlonC:ittenden,PresidJiit, av NewtonShl Secretary of said Company, do, and each for i ii i- self dotb depose aul say, that tbey Lave read the ing statement, and know the cuntents thereof, aua thai tbey have good reason to believe, aud do' believe, Baid statement to be true ALLJ -:UKN,I'resident. NEWTON BHELDON, gecretaty. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, State and county, tbi14th day of January, A. D. 1881). L. F. WADE, Notary Public, Wasbtenaw Oounty, M ïch. Kstato of Kinllus M. Blchardson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O o( Wasbtenaw, Bi. Notlce Is herebj glv( n.that l'robatcf'ourt for the County of Wa8htenaw, made on the twelfth day of Januar 1 is.o six months from that date were allowi ,1,1 thelr claims against the esEmilua M. Bichardwin, late of said county, deceased and that ;.ll creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to Baid Probate Courl at the Probate Office in theCity of Ann lation and Jlowance, on or heforf' '. day of July next, and that laims wili l.c heard before said Court on th day of prü, and on Moi day, the twelftb day of July iicxt, at teu o clock in the'fori Qoon of eaci Datcd, Anu Arbor, January 12, A. T). 18S0. WILLIAM D. HAÈKIMAN, 3W4 Judxeoj Trohatv. Abstracts of Titles. All partieB wbo ire dewirous of asctrtaininfr tl condilion of the title to tliou lauda, or partita wl wtsh to loan money on real estáte wili do wcll o) at tha Uegiater) orlice and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Raid booka are so inr advanced that the Ilegist c-an í urnish on ül;ort a Perfect Statement as to the Title Of any paicfcl oí and m Wtólitena? County a 6hown by the original recaída. C. H. MANLY, Register. I88O. Earper'sYoung People IUXSTKATËD. The evils of eenratiorial Hterature for the yourjg are well known, and the want of an antidote has loriií heen feit. This ia supplied hy HabfxK'8 Youkg Peopi.e, a beuutifully illustrated veckly journal, whih is equally devoid of the objeotionable features of seusational juvenile liteiature and othut moralizlng tone which repels the youthful reader. The Volumen of the Ymmg People begin with the first Nuniber, published in November of eocb year. Wben uo time is inentioned, it will be understood tli l (lie subseriber winhc'a to eommenee with the Kumber next after the reoeipt of oder. Ua?-per's I'eriorlicals. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, $4 00 HARPEK'S WEEKLY, ' " 4 00 HAKPER'8 BAZAR, " " i 00 The THREE above-named publications, One Yrar, . 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Year, 7 00 HARPEB'S YOCNü TEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Poetage Free to all subscribers in the United steles oí Cnnnda. nducements for 1880 only. 4"Thirteen Xumhers of ÏÏarper's Young Peo,i be furoished to every yearly snbscriber to ■ r's Wekki.y for 1880; or, Harper's Yoükg B Mirtu's Wkeklï wil) bp seöt toany - lor oce year, comme nci Dg witb the tlrst Number uf HAkpek's Wkekly for Jtinuary, 1880, oo receipt oí' L5.00 íor the two periodicala. RemlttftBCCfl BhouM bemade by Posï-OfficeMoney Order or Drafi, to avoid chance of lO88. JV eivspapers are vot to oopy tfiis advertí se.ment withut the. expresa order of Hak PER 4 Brothkks. Address HAEPER & BEOTHEES, Kw York YouShculd Takelt n Poïnt of Exccllfiiico it is ünsiirpassed, a(ï Everj Family WU1 Appreclate aml Enjoy its Perasal. Evcry laan shonld mnko his home s comfortable nd altranive M ]V)sible. A most eesi ntial requisito to tliat end is a good ipor. Tlie pomsül ofsuch a newspapcr nol only iustills in tlie risint? generation a love of home, a constant incentive to improveinent. Sirnplv ks an educator, and aside from all other consldenitions, no pnrent should ioreso taking iuto his fanilly lm Detroit Fbee Pbi Kor the year 1SS0 we have to oifer the standard features whish have made The Feek Tüebs the most popular iournal in the world, and wilh sucb additiona as will prove of special interest to Michigan readers. Addrcssina more partieularly the farmer, we take xtreme pflins to procure complete anü accurate larket reporta. Thcy embrace farm produets of very charaeter, includiDg live stock. The quotaiuns, oonected to the day of publication from all heleading cities,as wellas thoseof Detroit, are aven cach week. A carefully orgaslzed system of regular correspondence throughout Michigan will'give the readers early and complete iutelligeuce of all happenngsin the State. At this point we wish to remind readers that tlie x -1 and fulleat reports as well as the earhest news if all Important aifairs, whether happening in Michigan or elsewhere, will be found in the Fiike ?EE3S We mieht retVi to the twomost recent and errible disastera In Michigan- the Adrián grand stand horror aml the Jackson railroad accident- as exnmples. reinforccd on f recjuent occasion by accounts of ;reat public cyents which ïbe Weeklï Kki-.e Prkss has laid before its readers in advance of its contemporaries. No newspaper has brighter or more intelligent editorial conmients on the leading topics of the day. None arpan it in candor; nono equal it in literarymerit; none approach it in spice, sparkle and viv;oity. lts its superior excellence, bas attracted great attent 0:1 and m this especial dedepartment Tue Fkek Fksbü is acknowledged to stairl ut the very front. Kendersof Tuf. Fkke Pkess will receive through its columns an iDtelligible iilea of new booka of merit 88 they nre from time totimepublishcd. Liberal extraéis and discriminating reviews appear every week. Attention is given to hiatorical topios, and arti. iu? special referenco to our own State are in preparation. " THE HOUSEHOID. ETeryissneol The Wïeki.y Fkee Pkesb is ocenmpanied by " The Household," a supplement devoted to social and doniestic topios, flowèi culture, fincï-work, toilet and cooking recipes and household matten generally. It ia furnlahed wiiliuut clra chartre, and every purehaser or subecriber to Thk Weeiíly Fkee Fkkos is enlitled to receive a CTo'sum up, all must conclude that The "Wf.kkly FüEEPHF.KBand "The Household"- a supplement which aocompaniea every issue- though iurmshed togeth' year, compare in the amount and excellence of contenta witn the bCBt of the tour dollar magazines. The Weekly Free Press and " The Household" together are furnished at $1.50 a year. Liberal premiums, embracing yearly subscriptions to the varioue magazines, etc, are given for clubs. Address letler.i to THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETROIT, MIICHCAJi. iETN A. IKSURAME COHPAE Capital, - - 3,000,000. Asaets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Losses Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, inoludi"g Re-Insunmce Eeserve, $4,735,092.86. Net Surplus over Liahilities, including Ke-Ineurance and Capital Stook, $1,735,032.86. C. MACK, Agent, AnuArbor. I88O. II arpeaos Bazar. II.WI8TRATED. This popular perioaical ispre-eminently a journal for the household. Every number furnishes the latest information in regard to Fashions in dress and ornament, the neweat and most approved patterna, with doscriptive articles derived from authentic and original Fources; while itelStories, Poems, and Essays on Social and Domestic Topics, give variety to its columns. The Volumes of the Batar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next after the receipt of order. Harper's FeriodicaU. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, 4 00 HARFER'S WEEKLT, " " 4 00 HAEPER'S BAZAR, " " 4 00 The TH REE above-nanied publications, One Year, " 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Tear, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage ' Free to all subBCribera in the TTnited States or Canada. The Annual Volumes of Haepeb's Bazab, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mnii, postase paid.or by express, free of "jxpense (prorided the lreight does nut exceed one dollar per volume), for Ï7.00 each. A Complete Set, eomprising Twelve Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5,25 per volume, freight at expense qfpurchaser. Clott Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on recoipt of $1.00 each. KemittancosshouldbemadebyPost-Officelloney Order or Drat't, to avoid chance of loss. Krwsjtapers are not to copy this adverlisenunt without the express order of Hakpek & Bkothers. Address HARPER & BROTHER, New York. GET YOTTR PROPEETY INSTTRED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ASTJÍ ARBOR. - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. Established a quarter of a century ago. Kevjreseutiug the follüwiug lirst daas copuianies: Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assets over $G,C00,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets orer 83,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assuts St,442,400 Girardot Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Orieutüf Hartford, Assets $700,000 Commercial Uuion of London, Assets $3,000,000 Iïates low.' Loases liberally adjustcd and promptly paid. C. U. MILLüX.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus