frank H&ngeterfer willconduct the next reform club social. - Speaker for Bunday'i meeting of reform club will be F. S. Packard of Sturpis. -Two daughten of C. S. McOmber No. 6 Forcst ave. are slowly n-covering iiom icatlet fever. - Mrs. T. F. McDonald, at tbo corner of Forest ave. and Orleana Street, foll ft week ngoï loet Suiiday, bruke and pprained ber forn arm. - Meinbera of mutual benefit association of this city are called upon to pny the usual aasessment on account of the death of Eli J. Gorton of Ypsilanti. - Mr. Eben Bennott No. 4Forest ave. bas been contined to the house for the past few days witb a severo büious attack bat is now able to be out again. The Ann Arbor schutzenbund eleoted offioera Tuesday the 6th: tPresident, Conrad Kraff ; vice president, John Walz ; eecrotary, Anton Eisele ; treasurer, Fred GrafF. -Mr. Fred Burch No. 7 Forest ave. returned home Friday, frora Chicago witb. inflammatory rheumatism and is now improving under care of Dr. MacLean. -On Monday evening, Jan. lOth, Prof. Steere will give a talk upon Sloths for the benefit of the Ladies' Library, at the residence of Prof. Adams. AU are invited. Admission, 10 cents. The aupreme court of the state has said that the schools should not be in session on public holidays, and that teaohers can collect pay from those days ■without being obliged to make up the lost time. -Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, widow of the late Rt=v. Geo. Smith, aud a resident of the city fifteen years, died on Saturday of pneumonía, and was buried on Monday. She was G2 years of age and a meinber of the M. E. church. - Steady and honorable young men are aure to meet with advancement. Andrew Muehlig, late salesman in Schuh's hardware store, has accepted en engagement as book-keeperina Chicago wholesale hardware house. -John Kusterer of this city died on Saturday morning of inflammation of the lungs, aged 51 years, leaving a widow and eeveral children. The Ann Arbor Arbiter Yerein society of wbich he was a niember attended in a body. -Chas. S. Fall, late a aalesman in the dry goods house of Maek & Schrnid, has accopted an engagement with an Albany, N. Y. cuff and collar house, and will travel in Ohio. Mr. Pall ranks with the most popular and efficiënt men that work behind the counter in this city. - Alfred Mounfs wife has practically disolved marital copartnerahip, departing the city with a man named SutUerland, for Detroit. She appropriated, Mount says, property and money to the amount of $300. Mount was unable to find her in Detroit and learued sha liad gone tojwicked Buffalo. The animal elecüon of' directora ot Ihe Erst National Bank was held on Tueeday, with the followipg ïttult: J. W. Knighr, Henry W. Kogers, E. "Wells, Phiíip Each, C. II. BiofamOnd, John M. Wheoler, Jatnes Clementa, and Wiu. Hiram Arnold, dangerously ill, succeoued by Henry W. Rocera. About 2 o'clock yesterday aïternoon fire was discovered in the room of tlie librarían of the law depurtment of tbr. uuiversity, supposed to have cauglit trom a C'gar stub. Tho alarm was sounded and the fire department was goon on the grounds, but tho fire was gubdued without thoir services, nothowewer until considerab'.e duuiHge was done tüe room. Workmea were iinuiediately aet at work repairing the daniage. - Reform club coirmciwm for 183') Executive, O. F. Webster, W. E. Walker, Thomas Speechly, Thomas Bailey, Geo. Mareden ; Speakers- John D. Boylan, Thomas Haley, C. H. Worden. Finante Thomas Kearns, James J. Jacks, Isaac Dunn. Entertuinments - C. B. DaviBOn, James Willis, B. F. Watts. Musio - Alvia Wilsey, James Levan, F. L. Mallory. Ushers- Will Worden, J. Schumacher, Jr., D. Lowry, E. Levan. - We hear f rom best sources that Eev. J. Alabaster, now pastor of the Methodist churoh at Ann Arbor, preached on Christmas a very fine sermón, presenting the subject of Chriat's divinity on a rationa! basis, sbowing that it is not an incrediblo thing, but the fulfillmont of the actual longing of humanity, and to be expected. The sermón is pronounced to be finely adapted to the difficulties of rationalizing ruinds. We are glad to Lear that Mr. Alabaster is giviug emi nent satisfaction by his Bcholarship, p iblic enterpme and ministerial aptitjde. - Chicago Advócate. (Jov. James L. Ashley, of Toledo, and John B. Alley, a capitalist of Boston, somewliat intercsted in railroad enterpriees of this State, being the owner of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad, have eigned a contract to purchase the Dttroit, Hillsdali & western railroad. "What their inteutions are ia making the parchase is not known. It is underetood that they have in view the ing of the line aa a ísouth western cüunection with the r-eorganized Ft. Wayne fc Jacbtion railroad, probably, aleo, to a limited extent, as a feeder to the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad. The Ann Arbor Dramatic Club will play "Dollars and Cents," at Hill's Opera House, on WedneBday, Jan. 21, for the beuefit of Co. A's uniform lund, ■with the following cast of.characters : Mis. Shebold, - Mrs. J. L. Burleigh Evelyn Nioklebury, - - Amy Orcott Harriet Welford, - - Mrs. E. Allen Betsey, - - Mamie Goodrich Montagus Pimples, - - C. M. Jones JohnFairplay, - - C. E. Hiscock Wm.Nickelbury, - - L. O. Goodrich Frauk Nickelbury, - - Jno. Sheeimn Phil Sharp, - - ,W. L. Pack Ferret, - - - G. S. Pitkin Mike, - - - M. C. Sheehau Those who have witnessod the reheartals report the play excellent, nnd as it ia for a good objeot and the admisaion low, it is expected that the hall will be filled to its full capaeity. Let all turn out to benefit Co. A, and enoourage home talent. Aduiission, 25, 35 and 50 cents, tor reeerved seats, to be obtainod at Watt's jewelry store.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus