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Annual Meeting Of The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company

Annual Meeting Of The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company image
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The annutil meeting of the uiembers of the Washt.naw Mutual Fire Insurance Company brought out a larger (jathering of memifers than asual on Wednesday. Considerable discussion was participated in over the rate of the late assMSment, fuel to ba consumod in threshing and defective chimnnys. Ahuost every otlieriuan present wante 1 to mako a speech, and a few, partieularly Mr. Peters, of Scio, was overloaded with a dosire to be heurd. No pput-up Ann Arbor should contract, liia powers. He perceived a little ring that was running the conirmny and he was going to Bmaah it. Diücussion on threshers, &o., was concluded by the adoption of the following resolution iutroduced by J. D. Baldwin . Whekeas, The recent loss;- of this company having been $15,300 all of wbiob have proceededfrom tiros occupying within the fiist eiht mouths of 1879, and WllEREAS, By the statement of our secretary three fourths of tbis loss eau be traced directly to unsafe obiumeys and detective stove pipea in dwelliug houseH ; tberefore Resolved, That this company request our board of directora to m ike such additional by-laws as shall require all who are in3ured tu this corapny, let. To make every part of their houses accessible, so that when a survey is made every room and garret or Btove pipe in ay be seen. 2d. That tho insured shall be corflpelled to clean hischimneys thoroughly twioe every year ; once in the sprint; and once in the f all, and remova the soot frorn the bottom of the ohiinney. Election of five direotors was attended with considerable interest. Four tellers were appointed to perform this duty. The FIKST BALL01 was for a director to succeed Allen Crittenden, and resultod thus : Allen Crittenden, - - - 92 S. Parker, - 4 EL D. Platt, - - - - 13 J. J. Robinson, - 1 John Cook, - - - - 1 E. P. Harper, - II. P. Thompson, - - - 1 E. Campbell, - 1 H. Bassett, - - - - 1 E. E. Leiand, - 3 J. C. Mead, - - - - 1 Total, - - - - 119 SECOND BALLOT. H. M. Mowry, - - - 62 T. B. Goodspeed, 02 H. W. Bassett, - - - 2 I. Procter, - 1 S, Fairohild, - - - - 1 Total, - - - - 118 THIED BALLOT. E. A. Nordman, - - - 72 John Cook, - - - - 41 Georgf. Rash, - - - - 1 J. D. Baldwin, - 1 Total, - - - " 115 FOTJRTH BALLOT. J. J. Eobison, - - - 56 H. W BíiBsett, - - - ö2 E. D. Lay, - - - - 2 B. Faiichild, - - l Total, - - - - 111 FIFT1I BALLOT. Mr. Peters earnestly favorecí couniy treasurer Fairchild with the tíow of making him SocretHry. He could not iv a word against Mr. Sheldon who ad performed thc duties well, but he wtis opposed to thethird-term principio. See how tbe gentleman ttilks and votas lext fall.- Bd.) Mr. Beal and othere, Lude oT Mr. Fairchild, thought it wa8,'.-ittle too tnuch for any man to sVfor two offices at tbo same time. iv:-'ve uiüUtha would elapie befor Mr. ''s term as treaaurer woald expire, and hen would be the proper time to eleot íiin. Kesult of vote was as followa : N. R. Sheldon, - - - - 66 S. Fairchild, . - - 55 H. D. Platt, .-- - 2 Tota!, - - - - 123 Messrs. Crittenden, Mowry, Robison "Níordraan and Bheldon wore declared lected directors for year ensuing. Salary of seoretary was voted $500. Directors, when oa duty,$2 per day. At thia juucture John J. Kobiaon apjeared and declined re-election. Many members having left for borne his resignation was refuaed, wbereupon the Honorable gentleman conaented to erve with the distinct underatanding hat he should not be aaked to do so onger than during 1880. At a meeting of the direotors Hon. John J. Kobison was elected President, and N. She ldon Secretary for year enauing.


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