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Michigan State Press Association

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The annual meeting of the Miohigan State Press Asaooiation will be held at A.nn Arbor on Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1880, at 10 oclock A. M. Besides the ordinary business of the annual meeting of the association ten-niinute papers will be read by the gentlemen named upon subjects as fullowB : " Dead Beats," by Mr. William E. Quinby, of the Detroit Free Press. " Wild-cat Newspapers," by Mr. Gil. B. Osuiun, of the Detroit Bvening 'C'VV8' t -i i " " Newspapers and the Law of Libel, by Mr. Nathan Uhuroh, of the Grand Rápida Times. "The Early Newapaper Higtory of Detroit," by Mr. Silas Farmer, of Detroit. "Newspnper Make-Up ; five minutes' talk by Mr. Win. Van Buren, o: the Lansing Republiean. A paper is also expeotnd from Mr. George Willard, of the Battle Croek Journal. A brief biographical sketch of the Inte Mr. Seth Lewis, formerly of the Marshal Statesman, willberead by Mr. 8. S. Lacy, of the Expounder. Brie) biographical sketches of Messrs. Eufus HosmiT and Henry Barnes are expeoted from Mr. Ii. F. Johnstone, of' the Michigan Parmer, and Mr. Joseph Warren of the Bay City Tribune. Thcso sketches are expeoted to form a part of the per man ent archives of the association, an will be valuable material ior the futuro (ir. ss historian of the State. It is hoDed that membew of tho sociation will be prepared to brinft fmbj(!0t8 of interest and imuortance before the meeting, by resolulion or otherwise, and to laad in their discussion. The insetings of the association uliould be of great interest and valué to the profesión, not only in oonsidering important buüineM matterg, but also in promoting moro intímate pertonal relations between gentlemen of the Michigan presa. The üniversity city will exttnd a cordial weloome on this oecasion. It ia hoped that there will be a largo attendanoe, and that, the meeting may urove boU pleasant and iirofitable.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus