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Record Of Circuit Court

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Gouverneur Morris, Circuit JudffO. IC. B. Ciar ClerW, L. F. Wade, Prputy Clerk. FrankEmciick, Proscr.uürjg Mtorney. Joaiab S. Cse, Friday, Jan. 11. IliratnFiskbrought an aotion against John 31. Gates to reoover on a promissory note. ' DefetiRe - The note upon wbich suit wns brouglit W:is givon by the firm of Congdon and Gntea before dissolution of co-partner8hip nnd would have been barred by Btatute of liinitatious if it had nut been kept al i va by payments of interest by Congdon after dissolution. (ji3orge L. Rose briugs an aotion Bg'st Wie. Lyons and John N. Kurtzou promssory nutu. Defendants who failed to appear, ure tho recent shoa luanufacturors who " took iu" tiio Ypailantir.ns about $3,000 iu cash. Judgtnentin $40380. Satnrday, Jan. 10. In oase of Fisk vs. Gates, plaintiff recovers judgment jy jury of $453,50. 00 days grantedfor 3Í11 of exonptions. Cagsandria Stovons sues Frank Sheffold on a promissory note, and recovera on jury trial $144 49. Bondsman of Martin Eekerish, Jr., charged with highway robbery in stealïng a fil'ty cent pieco trom Eobert Bohaffer in August, 1878, forfeited hisrecognizanco of $1000. A capias is isBUed to apprehend Eckeriah, Sr. Franklin H. Young by oonsent of defendant is granted a judgmeut of $17 and costs. Herbert E. Spencer after due exaniination adraitted to the bar. Laura A. Leonard vs. B. J. Billings. Aotion to recover alleged arrears in rent of Leonard House in this city. Tuesday, Jan. 13, Leonard vs. Billings. Christian J. Reuel, a resident of this city admitted to citizenship. George Bibbins, charged with larceny euddenly Jeft the city. Laura A. Leonard recovers a verdic' of $500. Lewis Bush vs. Ezra C. Eobinson. Plaintiff institutos an aotion to recover for alleged services since he becarae of age amounting to $1,200 and interest, it being for six years of labor. Twentyone witneases sworn in the case. Wednesday, Jan. 14. Bush va. Eobinbon. Suit consumed the day. Thursday, Jan. 15. Thomas Taylor of Ann Arbor admitted to citizenship. Wiu. Judson brings suit to recover commisaion and oxpenses in buying wool for Geo. N. Parker of Detroit. Bush recovers a judguiont of $1,000.


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