Program For The Meeting Of Association Of Agricultural Societies Of Michigan
The Boventh annn&l mocting of the above asflooiation will convene nt the cuurt house in this city on Tuoaday ovcning iioxt at 7:30 P. M. The assoeiation will continue in sossion through Thursday. Presidont Abbott, and Prof. Boal, of the State Agricultuml College, Prof. Baird, Sacretary of tho Stute Board of Agricultnre, Jno. J. Woodman, of Paw Paw, J. Webster Childa, John J. Robison and numerous other prominent agrioulturiats aro expected to be present. The programme for the third dy ia not yet rranged. For Tuesday evoniug and Wedneadny it is as follows: Tuesdny evoning 7 1-2, organiï'fttion ofoonvontion; addreM bythe Prosideut C. H. Eiohmond, of Ann Arborj Keport of Secretary; Appoiutmeiit of standing comtnittees. Wedneodtiy, 21st, Adarpss by Prof. Beal, of the Agjicultural Colloge ; Hoport of Corainittee on Topics; Discussion of subjectsreportea by standing oommittees; Address at 7 1-2 p. m., by President Angelí, of the University.
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Ann Arbor Argus