Grand Red Ribbon Entertainment
To ba given iii Hill'a Opera Hou6e, Thursday evening, Jan. 22, 1880. Over 50 performers, under the iinraediate direotion of Mr. Frank Hangsterfer, coneisting of Bongs, solos, durtf-, &c. The ninging of 24 voices from the Juvenilü Tempéranos Union, followed with the beautiful Tableau representiug the Queeu of Spain in herchuriot drawn by two white swans. Aleo the bautiful Tableau repreBenting " Eock of Ages,'1 wil! be produced. The Awkward Squd akes a trip to the Black Huls. Scène atnong the Indiana, chiefs, warriors, &c. Prof. II. A. Davenport of Detroit, will perforin tone of his beautiful and artistio acts, " Chinese Juggling," tbrowing li s, knives, &o. laster i?'red Davenport will appear in bis muscular and startling teats on the Flying peze, and conclude with bis Daring Laap for Life. First appearanee of the great inimic and musical genius, Clark Hillyer of Boston, N. Y., in his laugbable, umsicl act entitled "Plats and Sharps," er ilagic Exposed ; in which lio will introuoe hie imitations and tnuaical spocialies. Maeter Paul Minuis, only díx years of age, tbe youngeat cornet soloist iu America. Tbe musió for this social will be furnished by tbe Ann Arbor brass band rd Frank JVlinnis' full orchestra. ïhe evening's entertainment to with tbe tbrilling farce entitled 1 Where is my Boy To-uigbt," in vhich will be produced the nffecting scène of a real train of cars (the Pacific expres) passing aoross the stage at great speed. Admission, 15 ets., gallery, 10 ots. Proceeds go towards purcb&Eing a hall Doors open at 7 v. M., performance comruences at 8 P. M. Eeserved seats can je secured at Chas. Boylan's store without extra charge. Come one and all and spead your dimes, and help the club along. Coma iisten to the funny rhymeB, recitation tableau and songs.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus