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The Great Poultry And Dog Show

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Noxt week Tuesday the 20th, will be opened one of the finest eshibition of Poultry, Pet Stook and Doga ever sean n Michigan. The entries of Poultry are grand, nearly all the best breeders n the country will be represented. The dog show, will be a great feature, as the best dogs in America will be there. ' Druid" the winner of eeveral firat prizes will be here, togother with eome more owned by that great and successtull breeder Arnold Burges. Druid is valued at $15,000. E. H. Gillman, the well known Detroit fancier, will show quite a nurnber inoluding his recently imported lrish Setter, valued at $20,000. Dodge and Baker will send their entire Eenael of Beagles, the best in Ainerien. Canada will come out strong. Fred Harasou will eend his Pointers Marquis of Lome and Princeas Louise. Bkuse sends his celebrated Cocker Spaniel Bob, valued at $10,000. Mr. Lincoln, the Supt. of all the great dog shows in this country, has been engaged to take charge of this departmont so that a great show may be expected. The local entries will be good, and it is expected will earry off a great many prizes.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus