Hearts Of Oak
-Mr. James A. iierne's now playof tho"IIeart5of Oak" is to bo presented at the Opera House on Friday and Saturday eveninga Jau, 16 and 17. TLis drama has been bcfore the publio but a short time, yet it han jumpod into publio favor, if w are to judgefrom tho many ñV.ttering prese notices tendered tho play whsrever produoed. Mr. Herna has aecured a good conipanj-, and the play is Pu' on the boards in a realistio and oreditable inanner. Mr. Heme is well known as a fino oharaoter actor, and his leading lady, Miss Corooran, is epokon of as a highly-finished and painataking young aotress. With these two leading spirits, supportedby a goodcompnny, tha performance eannot fail of proving suocc35ful.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus