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Real Estate Transfers

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Sarah P. Shepard to Fred nnd Levi E. Lee. 27 acres in Dexter. Consideration 11400. H. W. Sniith to Harvey S. Dy. 1 aere in Augusta. Consideration $800. Jeunes M. Congdon to M. J. Noyes. - Land in Chehea. Consideration 214. Casper Wagner to John M. Wagner. 35 acres in Soio. Coneideration $1 Jacob Luokfiardt to GhrictopherBower. Parceh of land in Bridgewater.- Consideration $3,000. Elisha Comstock to J. George Wackenhut. Land in Salem. Cmisiderution $1100. Henry Cool to Henry Oool, Jr 18 acres in Fieedom. Consideration Y7(373. Maloolm MoDonfiali to Chvistoplier Bower. 40 acres in Bridge wator. C. usideration flOOO. QU1T-CLAIM. John N. Gott to Julia A. Pitkin.- Aun Arbor property. Consideration $1. Mfirgaret Setright to Maria L. Barker. Aun Arbor city property.