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Coisotsiaípíion Cnredi An ol d physicitin retired froto prolicc, hving had placed in hia hands by au Kast India ruisaioaary the formula of a simple vegetable reuiedy for the fpeedy aud permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aslbma, and all Throat and Lang Afí'eetions, also a positiva and radical cure for Nervous Debility e.nd itll Nervous Coui plair.ts.'after having tesied itn wonderlul curative powers in thousanda oí cases, has felt it hia duty to íuake it knovvn to bis suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desirs to relieve human suffering, I will oend free of charge to all who dnsire it, this recipe in Germán, French, or English, with full directions for preparing and using',- Sent by uiail by addressing witu starop, naming this paper, W, "W. Shekar, 149 Powers Block, RocheMer, N. Y. 41-eow Early Closing. "We, the undersigned agree to cloao our places of business every evening at 7:30 P. M., excepting Saturdoy nights, until March lst, 1880 : Joe T. Jacobs, Wm. Wagner, D. Marx. A. L. Noble, Winea & Worden, John NGott, A. A. Terry, Slater & Grof, JSchumacher, E. 3. Johnson, J. F. öohuh. Sheehan & Co., Chas. Fantle, C. Weitbrecht, ü. Eberbach, J. W. Hunt, Bach & Abel, A. B. Heixion & Co., Maok & Schmid. A minister relateB his exporience thus: I take pleasure in adding to your many testimoniáis, that last Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), not being abla to preach on account of Eheumatio pains in the shDulder, Ibought a bottle oí St. Jacobs Oil) which, after ueing eeveral times, relieved me wonderfully. Dr. B. Piek, Rochester, N. Y.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus