In Memoriam
The following resolutions expressive of the esteem in which the lato Hon. A. K. Clark of Saline, was held by the cominon oounoil, are forwarded for publicftüon in this paper : Whereas, It has plea6ed Almighty God to remove by death from our midst a bighly esteenied oitizen aud fellow townsman, an upright man and au honorablo meruber of this board. Be it Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family this testimonial of our sincere syinpathy in this thair deep affliction, and that these resolutiotin be spread in full upon our villago record, and a copy gent to the Aim Arbor All'GU8 and Courier for publioa,tion, and a copy prescnted to tho family of the deoeased. By order of committee.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus