The County
Culfrtic is announced to di-Hvpr lus eoture on Lincoln in Dexter, Jim. '.!(. Uorth Sharon pwople (5vs douatiüii last eveniug to Eav. Mr. Whitney. John Brown of Doxter, wasassaulted and robbed of $33 by a oolored man n Detroit. The Ypsilnnti Pap-rCompany hnvc, deoided to put theBrushEleotrio Iiglit into their paper milis. Mr. Davfciiport cf Salino p:iys tbo t ftinonnt of taxes of any oue on tbe tftï roll for York. -The Aviuus Boknowlodge? an invitation to ftttand the opening of tbe opera house in YpsiUuti lant eyeuiug. It, transpires that Luke Dake of Sftlem petd EHzaboth J. Oberst $900 to setlle a braach of promise ncoouct. The Moorovillo Univorsalist social will be held at Lyraan Duvenport's on Fridny afternoon and evening, Jan. 23rd. - Southern Waslitenaw Farmers' Mutucl i7iro Cnsuranca compnny report tbe following amount of riaks $499,475,0 ). A wotuan named Belle Hubbard baa been arrosted at Ypsiltvnti and taken to Masón for being too muoh married, ïbe iirm of Wood Bros. & Co., at Chelsea, has expired by limittition, and O. E. Babcoek and B. Parker are to continue. - Jaoob C. Rydor of YpBilanti, n meniber of the looal lodge of Od,l Pellov.' , of tho Ann Eucarupment, a.i i of Ypülanti lodge of A. O. U. W., died on Tueoday of last week from inflamuiation of the brain. Hirura Amold of Soio, one of the wealthiest farmers'onVashtenaw ia gradually einkingfrom odage and aparelytic atroke reoeivedabout Dac. 1. He is in the 82nd year of hia ago. Mr. E. B.Gi 1ley of thia city ha3Batup with himevery night iince the llth of December. Mr. Henry Oberschraidt'a ohilii of Scio agou two yeara and threa uionths, Bat inLo a pail oontaining sdalding water on Saturday January 3d, at about one o'clook. The father first cslled es phyeician en Sunday inorning at 5:30 ; tho physïcian saw the child at 7 A. M., still suffaring ieriously from shock whish lasted until afternoon. Thu subBequent inflamruatory fever was extreaiely Bevere and the little sufferer died on Tiieéday of exhaustion. ïhe burn extended from the thighs over the entire back up to aud involving one shoulder.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus