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Grant Counted Out

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The Burcst thing yet known in regard to tho political color of the ner.t president, has been predicted by an enthusiastio citizen of York, in this county. This individual, impatient to await the final " oount," resorted to a means butliitle known in philosopby, and would pcrhsps have reruuined ti icystery tor generations yet to come, had it not been a habit of the worthy citizen referred to, cf eometimes addressing remarks to himself when alone, and ftlso the close prosimity of a :ieighbor unknown to the would-bü prophet. It appears the old gentleman went to his farm one moruing last week to do bis chores, his mind intent 0:1 the probability of the success of his party, when seeing a venerable roostor aütrlit on the felice and crow lustily, exolaimod curuestly, " if that roofter crows again before I can count tun, Grant will never be our ne-xt president," and the enthusiastic admirer of the General commcnced countiug deïiberately.until he had tallied six, when the old chanticleer raised his wings preparatory to the second crow, and before the old gentleman could rush off the ninth tally the crow was finished, to tho great consternation and disinay of tbe disappointed man, who wrathtnlly exclaiuiod, as he threw an old cabbage stump at the innocent rooster " tako that, yoa old hypocrite; you'd as soon crow for one party, as the otber." The old man rushed into the barn tpitefully kicking over a barrel in whicn was a heii's nest covered by an honeat and patriotio ben, faithfully serviag hor country without hope or care for political preferment, and totally unconscious of tlje recent defeat of a presidential candidato. But with the sudden disturbance Bhe " lit out," with two cackles hurried into one which seemed to inspire hope in the breast of the irritated citizen who confidently exclaimod " if that bon has liid a white egg Grant will be our nes.t president beyond the possibility of a failure ; and if it is a blue egg, then he won't, that's certain." The old gentleman eagerly and oonfidently tipped tha barrel toward the so he could se; its contonts mors readily, and with o a glance kickod the barrel clean across the barn floor exclaiming, " no hope for Grant, when even the barn-yard fowls are all against hira," and he woefully gazed upon a blus egg which had rolled froin the barrel in its journey across the barn. At'ter a moment he turned away to do his chores in a bewildered manner uiuttoring, "busted, busted uu, it beats all." A littleinvestigutio'n revealod thefuct that the children had put a bino ogg in the barrel as a New Year's present to the old hen, little dreaming thiit it would, even for a uiornent, leave in doubt ihe euccess of a buge political scheme, or, make or mar the welfare oi a great nation. JoE BlQLEE. -Mr. Geo. S. Wood No. 8 Furest ave. has been confined to hia home for the past two weeks with sore tliroat and general debiKty. llia two sons and uaughter are confined to their beds with carlet fever. Mrs. Wood is likewise aituatud froin dability und over-oxertion.


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