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Ypsilanti Department

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C. M. Woodruffof Detroit gave us a culi ladt weck. W. D. Groen has retiflned froto the lióse Bud Bfíi'ncy. - Rev. Mr. Boy den was in tho city Fiitiay of last week. - Iustallation ofofficersof theKnights of the Maccabees took place the eveuing of the 14th. -The Ypsilanti Musical Union are reheawing " Th Chimes of Normanda' for their nxt concert. - Installution of officeri of Lodg Ho. 17 A. O. U. W., took plnce the Tening of the Oth. - Tbo club hop will take plsce at FoüeU hall the evcniug of the 23d inatf ad of the 2Dth, as reported last week. -The annutil meeting of the etockholders of the D. H. & 8. W. B. E. did not toko jjlace on the 13th ; there not being ft quorum present it adjourned by uit. - The lyng-looked for opening of the Ypsilunti opera housa took place Thursday night by Leonard Grover's Comedy T"onpe playing " Our Boarding House" Thursday nd Saturday eveuings and " Lispet," Friday erening. - Mr. J. Rider a wember of Washteniw Lodge No. 17 A. O. U. W., died laat week. Tho lodge was appropriately draped in mourning up to Sunday whcn the funeral took placo, the Odd Fellows taking charge of the funeral, acoompanied by the Ypsile.nti Light Guarda and A. ü. U. W. mcmber3. Mr. Eider uiakes the third doath iu the A. O. U. W. lodge in this city since Ha organization here in 1877, paying $6,000 to the heir of the decensed. - Twenty-one j'ears ago Wm. B. Mar tin and hia brother started west to mako their fortune. Wm. B. Martin returneil, his brot'uer reiuaining. Monday a gentleman carne to Mr. Martin's etore and was introduced by Wm. Lewis ; after looking at aouia gooda they passed out, Mr. Martin remarking to his olerk that he believed the stranger was hie brother, and sur.h was the faot. Tventy-ono years of absence had effected naany changes, but he was recognizod. -John Aulde, Jr., state agent for J. M. Stoddard & Co., publishers of the " Bncyclopaedia Britannia" " American Iteprint," íb in this city endeavoring to sell his work and also hnvo those wbo have purchascd the -'Hall" edition of Encyclopandia, changa tbem for the Stoddard edition, for which he claims greater aocuracy in print, and better quality of paper. He is having a good sale and we understand gome hare ohanged books. We can Bafely say no library is complete without them. - Wo are unable to account for the high winda of the past week, but any winds ofgreat severity this week can be accounted for by the f act that MessrsAllen & Orcott have been prosecutlng a larceriy case before Justice Skinner. The defense being conducted by Whitman & JBabbitt. The aiuount of wind tbat escaped from tho inouths of these gentlemen would have been Bufficient to have propelled a vtssel of several tons burthen a considerable distance. The result was a disagreement of tho jury wbo stood three to three on the voting. The prisonur was discharged.


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