CllELSEA, Jan. 15. - A wiud and ruin storm last Priday night blew down the smoke stack of the grist mili and complataly wrsoked the villago wind raill. - Chaplain McCtibe gave good leo ture here last week on the " Bright Side of Libby Prison. ' It was well attended and well received. - The Paoific expresa laat Tuesday night struck a very fine dog on the crossing here, belonging to station agent Martin, and sent him to the happy hunting ground. - Chelsea bank heretofore run by Greo. P. Glazier has been incorporated under the state law with a paid-up capital of $50,000. lts officers are : president, S. G. Ives ; vice-president, T. S. Sears ; cashier, George P. Glazier. This uiakes a Btrong and reliable institution, -Wales W. Eiggs, an olcl resident of this township, dropped dead last Friday uoar his residence of apoplexy. He was about 58 years old and well thonght of by a large cirole of friends. He was buried last Sunday by the masonic fraternity of whioh he was an honoied meniber.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus