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Dexter Department

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- Tlie Dexter and Scio milis aro to be eold next March. - The band have chanjrod their quarters and now ocoupy Tozer's hall. - Miss Andrews of Washington, D. 0., visited Eet. L. P. Davis last week. - Taxes in the township of Dexter wcre over $100 leas than any previous year. -The night watch at tho M. C. E. E. depot bas been bounced. Cause: Too tuuch sleep. - Mis. Giiy and Mis. A. Phelps have rpturned homo aftor pleaeant yisit in Edtoa Rspid. --Tue "Dexter Burnt Oorkl" will f-xibit their antios at Costullo's hall Monday night. - A larga number of tickets have bern poM for the ' Old Folks Concert " Wednesday night. - These sunny days malie the icehouses look slim, and they who contémplate filling them look blue. - The Episcopal social at Mrs. Wm. Stevens, Tuesday evening, was largely attended, ond proved by the merry Rpirits of tbe participante and kindness of the hostess a most enjoyable atfair. - An exit has been built in tbe shapa of large stairs leading from the back of Costello's hall to Sill's store, but as the entrance to the hall is olose beside it the queatioa arises : Has the law been f ulfilled ? -The Dexter Cornet band is again without a leader, having made but little progrese under tho leadorship of Mr. Armstrong they wore foroed to canoei bis engagement. Mr. A. is a good player but inadequate as a teacher. - An old man namcd Dennis Dwyor while drunk Monday evening feil on the ptone pavement and cut an ugly gash in bis forehead. ïhe Marshal carne and unlike the good Samaritan of old lodged him in the look up. Next morning he was sent to Ann Arbor for 30 days. - üeo. Vinkle, his brother and hired man were driving to town a couple of evenings ago, when the forward axle of the buggy broke, preoipitating its occupants in various directions on the ground. The korsea etarted, and when ctiught had oompletely demolished tho buggy. Luoky enough no one was injured. - Pat Furguson wanted to fight and curiouo enough the object of his spleen put in an appnarance, and with all the ardor of hi youthful days Pat collared and caned his enemy. But when he was brought before Justice Page, Tuesday, who tülkcd ?30 or 30 days to hira, his courage failed, and the necessary funds not being forthconiing, this disciple of the manly art will chew bean soup a Ann Arbor jail for the next 30 days.


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