Stoney Oreek, Jan. 12. - Eeported that soarlat fever is raging in thu sonthern part of Augusta. . - Mrs. H. btark trom near Grand Rapids, is visitingi'riendsin this vicinity - The meeting of the' two churohes was not very largely attended the past week, - Mr. and Mrs. Robort Young a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tallady a boy To Mr. and Mrs. John Oloutt, a boy. - The Methodist Society will give a donation for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Dunning, their pastor, Tuesday Jan. '27. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrnou returned trom their wediug tour Jan. 5. The boys turned out and gave them a Mrenade in tbo old fashioned way. Eaton Mills, Jan. 13. - Saturday Jan. 3rd, the Grangers gave au irifair in honor of Mr, and Mrs. George Smitb. Samuel Eussell's tbreechildren have been quite sickbut at last accounts were recovering ; also a sou of C. W. Alban has been quite ciok, - John Koberts and Leroy Butts purchased the new library for the S. S. and the new books were put in circulation last Sunday. Charlie Niles, Librarían. - New Years evening 48 of the Eaton Mills people went to Mr. William Warren's, near Belleville, and had a social time. ïhey took twenty-five cans of oysters and other refreshments. Praternity Grange No. 52 of Augusta had a public installation of officers and oyster dinaer at th9Ír íall near Paint Creek, Jan. 6th. Mr. Henry Platt, uaaater of Ypsilanti Grange was present and assisted by Albert Day and Mrs. Daniel Round installed th6 officers. J. W. Childs still holds the position of Worthy Master. There were over sixty persons present, there being visitors frora neighboring granges and other invited guests. Tne Sumpter and Augusta Union Lyceum elected officers for the new term Tuesday eve. Jan. 6th: They are as follows: President, Dorno D. Pholps. "Vice President, Win. H. Wiliings. Sec, Miss Mary Peppiatt. Cor. Sec, Miss Susie Johnson. Trensurer, George Gotts. - Editresa, Miss Della E. Freeman. We hope the Lyeethn will be as well attended and prospurous this term as it waa last. at present a very lively interest manifested, the house being crowded at each meetiug.
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