BOEMAN - McGUINNESe - At St. Joseph'a Chuioh, Dexter, By. T. Stattery, Mr. Peler Gorman of l.ynduu, Mioh.., and Miss Mury .'K', Gninneaa, :t' Dexter. MOORE- WOODEN.- In Chelsra, .Tiin'y Ist, i.y Kcv. .). L. tludson, KdWiird Mooie of Cramlville, Kent oounty, Micli., tu lliss .leimie Woodea ot Chelee, Mich. MITCHELL- EA8TON.- In Cboisen, Jannar] 1, liv Bev. Thos. Holmes, George H. Mitchell of Uma, Miei., to Miss Emnu L. Easton of Ohclseu, Mioh. BABCOCK- LEE.- Deeember 31, by Eev. .1. 4Jaboster, William C. Babceek inl iliss Küie lee, botll ofthiscitv. WARNER- HASTING3.- At t lie MetbodW par loiwgi-, Janunry 6, by Her. Jolm Alabastur, Mr. Laster Wrnerof lMitsiieli, aad Mi; JonnieB. lkiM í 1 1 lc rt oí' Newb trgh, N. C. COATES- DELANEY In Augnta(Jn.3id, by James Eust, J. P. , Robert Coatea und Miss Flora Delanoy, both of lïunniius. SPEA.ED- WA BM EB.- In Bellcville, Dec. 30, by the lli'v. S. S. RaaMdeU, Hirurn Speur and Eva Wal nor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus