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Another hotul ia to bc built ot O'rinit next spring. (Jeorae Buchannr of Port Iluron,gets ?4,000 back pension. - O. B; Jones, a Battle Creek builder,has made an assignment. - Lenawee's supervisors were in session last weel anj sdjourusd toMarch '2. - Plymouth claims the best and greatest vuriety of wind milis in the state.- Ed O'Hearn of Adrián died a victim to clebauohery, aided by braudy and chloral. Janx-s f n%et has bepn assesíed $1 1 CT" nt Jaolison for ('lliiig ívliisky under a bner licciihe. - Twenty-üve persons only listened to tbe deinoütion of Bob Ingersoll b? Ram Cary at Lansing. - Tbe BaUle Creek horsemen proposo to hang up $8,000 in prizes to be raced for at their spring meeting. - For 1879 the Adrián Post office did' $67,055,16 worth of bnsines of whieli $57,000 vas for postal orders. - A vein of coal, in paying quantitie, has been discovered on Henry Yinkle's farm near Van Horn's, north of Jackson. - An affray between two brotherB, William and Levi Cooper of Flint, one evening la?t week is expeoted to result fatally. - C. II. Mentz, for many years station agent of the D. L. & N. railroad at Winiamaton.lleft home and debts a mouuting to $800. - S. C. Merrill of Iosco, Livingston county, has fonnd 10 acres of mineral painton his farm of froin six incoes ti two feet in thicknessv liow sextons ought to have a state organization. Undertakers met at Jackson on Wednesday, aud agreed to meet at Grand Eapids one year henoe. A.mong the inmates of the state public school at Cold water is one who enjoys the distinction ofboingthe illegiti-mat'? daughter of Rn English lord. W. A. Collius, an Albion grocer, has made an assignment ; liabilities considerably in excessof the $1,500 assetsieported, and a liberal mortgige on the stock. Mrs. John Addy of Monroe was so grieved at the loss of her husband, that, taken siek, she refused nourishment or medicine, and died three days after his death. Okella Tnrner, a young colored woman of Tecumseh, who has been teaching the youth of her race in the south, feil sick and Btarted home ; but died upon the way. HoracR J. Perrin, thirty years - banker of Marshall, died Sunday after prolonged illnes?. It is thought he leaves .$ 1,000,000, and was the richest man in Calhoun county. State Senator E. W. Pendleton of Sturgis is a justice of the peace, and Henry Eeyuolds of Coldwater bas made complaint against lum for taking more fees than the law allows. -A postal card reoently mailed from Fairfield, contained seven hundred and fifty-eight words. Printing characters were used by the writer, and the work was done with great eleganoe and perfect legibility. - Thos. Berry, a youngmanof Whiteford, Monroe coun'y, 'nad hia leg - bly crushed by a fallí ng log recently, and thon was obliged to wnit eight hours before surgeons could reaoh him. He lies in a critioe.l condition. G. Keuipf s tin shop, Miss Jeannette Marshall's dweiling, and ffm. GilbertV blaoksmith shop at Unadilla, were burned on the 6th. A part of the contents were sfivod. Loss $1,200 to $1,500.Misa Marshall was insured for $500. - One of tho saddest of doraestio afflictions is the death of Mrs. W. F. Dewey of Toledo, at the Astor house, N. Y.rwhilo on her wedding tour. The pair were married on Uhristmas eve, and the bride was taken ill at Buffalo onroute' east. -Quite a number of O ld Fellows went from here to East Milan Stvturday last to attend a publio installation of officers, D. Cramer, of Ann Arbor,macie a splendid address at the conclu-sion of the other oxeroises. -Dundee Cor.Monroe Com. A blusliing damsel of 65 and an oíd duffor of 25 were ruarried at Port Huron.a few days since. The o. d. was reluotant, and it took a long argument on the part of tha b. d. to get him to make the fearful plunge, but he finally shulhis nyes and went in. -Estalla Pritohard, a little girl of eight years, in ïtega, Lenaweo county. in atteinpting to blow a whisle aooidentally awallowed it. The whistle was' made of tin, the size of a 25 cent piece, and the edge being quite amooth noth-ing very seriou8 may result. A frame block burned at Luding-ton Friday night resulting in wiping out Mr. Himes'3 saloon, two unoecupiai. stores, Blain & Ely's bank and E. N. Fitoh's restaurant. The total loss iabout $4.000 ; insurance $2,500. Th' fire broke out about midnight, and iteorigin is unknowu. - Henry Tonilinaon, of near Marshall,was insantly killed out huntiug on th& lOth. Ha and a comrade were tryïng ttf conquer tbe spirit and secure tbe of arabit, and in doing so soared np n.bird wbioh Torulinson tried to ehootv but, instead, shot himsöït'. He d-rew bisgun toward him wrong end foreniost.- Howell Deiuocnit : On Friday Issf i% rat terrier pup belonging to EeubenWeller, livin; just south of the railroaJ, bit tbree of his youngest childreii; Whut seems alarmin about tbis fact the d-oi sbowod evident sings of being mail. It frothed at tha mouth, and gnappol at everything that oama witbin its reacli, biting the cat, and when a basin of water was placed near the animal to drink, it went into a paroxystn. Tlio rush still oontinnes and crowds oome f'rom all dirfctions to secure the great bargftius that are ort'ered at Muck & Schmids and whiob havo oreated an esoitemem onpuftweTed in tlte antitils of tho dry goods traclc; in this city. Wo are anxious to loarn of the health of the Uto chiofs now in Washington after listening to one of Evartf.' sentencos. That WeatefD pditorwho saidBanorcft never'had any children but ha3 twonica grandchildren, ornamenta theprofeasion.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus