Mack & Shcmid
GREAT CLOSÍRÍG OÜT SALE OF THE SEASON! CALL ATTENTION TO THE Tremsadous Roductions thoy will xaa&e during th.e nest thlrty days ia all departrnents. Unparalleled Bargains! IN DRESS GOODS, CASH M ERES, SILKSAND VELVETS. OUH CLOAKS ?Illst ï)e sol{1 out at once, and wil] i .i ,7 be 8olrl if enomoitt sacrificea will raake anything eell. Our object is to prepare our stock for inventory and to carry as few goods over as possible There are two ways for doing this-one to jockey with everybody and Bell anything for what it will bring, one price to one and one pnce to another, that is the common way; the other is to mark eyerything low enough to sell it and to deal with equa] Clearing Sale of Great Adyantage to all. When we decide to make a bargain we offer a real bargain to all. Remnants at a reduction of 35 to 50 per cent.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus