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GROCERiES ANO PROVISIONS, rUWHêcily! AT 16 EASJ HU RON STREET, GASPAR RÊN3EYI Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, compriiing evcrytjiliiif in the line nt bottom prices -and purchaeed exclusively for caah. From lon(f eiperience in the Irade, rrtnil nnd ffhcilesnlp, he believes üe eau noli gooas na cheap ns tho chcapest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEIOES ! AllgGoodgWarraiited First-Ciass. Futoifih prodncc wanted for whicb the hiïhest cash prlco will he p:iid. 23r Eemember'tlie place, 16 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. D IN8ETVASKABO CT-i Bakery, Grocery, AND . FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constnntly od linnd BREAD, CRACKERS,]CAKES, &c, 'For Wliolesale and Ilcfall Trade. We ahall also keep a supply of 3. M. Swf ft & Co's Rust White Whetlt Flotu , Kye Floiir, Bnokwheat Flonr, torn Mcal, Feed, &c, c, &c. At Wholesale and ret 1. -A general stoel: of &R0C2ms A1TD PE07I8I0NB oonstantly on hand, whlch Trill be old on as reiwosable tenus as at p.ny otber house in ihi city. Cah paid fox Botter, Eggn, and Country Prmluce generally. HuoJs (l.;livereclto any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABO1T. Ann Arbor, Jn. 1, 1870. ÚéíJLáá IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖOD3 ! Andprlces LOWKR TIIAN KVBE. I have pnrclmswï in Xew York, for cnsh, and lam now dnily receivins most neleot stooka of GrooericB i Connty, conwstiug of a lul] and wel] h LIME OF TÍÍAS, All of the new erop- ioclndins Gunpowdcrs, Imperiale, Vonni; ITy. sonfi, ïïs'xoniN, Jaiiaiin, Oalanas, FurU1O8U8, Conems, So.nJiongs, aud Twaahayi, Top-ether with a full line of' COFFEES, eonmstlnjr of the fnllovrin? brnn-is: HOfíHA OI.T) GÖV'TJAVA.MAKACAIBO, LAÖUATRE SAXTOS and RIO, both roaxted and ground; full find well eelected Mtock of SS Mf% m fk !.■ 3 IPS ■ UVtA AND MOLASSÉS, Toíjether with evprythiní in the üne cf Pure Spioes.Canned fruiu, .-nd Vegetiiblea. WB hare s full aud compiet line of BOOTS & SÏÏOES, II ATS, CAPS, G LO VES' Am! Hosiery. AIso, a choicc nsBOrtmrnt of LscHeV and Ue'iilenien's UnderwPnr Cali urri examine Goods und Prires aui we will insuresal iftction. KDWARD ni'FFY. " Maynard's Block,' cor.SInin :inrt ím strweti Ann A-!,r, Sfii l., Uiirhesl cash rrico pmd fo: „11 f ,,,„ produce. "i THEATRICAL. (Successor to J. N. GMl...;d , 'JM.Y PRACTICAL JJÊUtÊ THEATBICAL :7 ËÜ ad Kasquerade fc ' ■ ' " IN MICHIGAN. ■ -,. . x .y Manufacturer and -aü..'j.u Dealer in Ybeatrical Goods and Wardrobes. Personal Hention givcn to the procliiction of AMATEUR PLAY3 AND MA-QUFUAr-i;3. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt ttention. r K 120 Griswoia Street, DSTHOIT, Kioh. PAINTS, OiLS, ETC. 'T I í i: I. A Ii U ESÏ f ,iMJD BEST STOOK OF AU, iu.Tl.; OF Painters' Materials, &c. A.MEEIOAN AND FEENCH WIITSOW ( au aisea. -A.X SOI3G-'S. 2Q and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOR. KVEEYEODY 8AYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. I Fourth Street, East of Court House, let floor. ' "ÍCINAL B.TT5T ? ( iPESTf STSIOTLIT PUB K"e tciK olee .;ííJM.(;0 „r nvÍHin ■ oCicr Oí.'íííírjifíon thi'.i'U ín this PO}jJt.' JB33? Inüor Broofclyn Board MH of HouMi,ar . VHKL la tlio Ul mgkjs n Is sirower cv,,, ESmfst&'i any Toas towúa In ■■Ent &rl tiio tv tft lt KEVER PAIXS f o ' Bgil Jmalco brem; JB tur tiSkeepOr wl' " ' ' l "a frWtSJf IttsanentlroIjrlCRW rsVEIÏH ?IO:íTrll-llo"l-'1'OtraoLia(] II e,s "i soda or saleratus, ye . ta,-_ It has ín ltsclf a tonflenf MdlBfrtO snstaSii tiud uouiisU tiio system. goos foois makea good health; and lipnmi Is lraproved or lmp 1 1 re, L in pi , tUe lOOa 13 ,;, Ll-wis' BiIHB Powdek alivays ,mke, gooi ïaod. One can or tMs tó -vortU two of any otlier baMng comí J lt majres brc3 wh-.ter and rlrifr. Morotlianliali tüe complalnts of bad nonr n baMng j OTtS;]''rkCh,íarn make tbü besto1 Sourniia Tile no t (Mlcato persons ran c-at fnrxi preparea with lt wicióiit .„A-. DHEADcETs-,CAKEBUCKWHEAT, IfíDíÁN, AWD FLANHEL CAKES. ofA: vul prove me 8uperlrMy ÍE0.T. Ü1ÍS TmÉHZIES G0. FHLLABEZ,PHIA. RAiLHOADS. MICHIGAN CENTRAL KAILROAD. NOVEMBER 10, 1870. oíng w_e_. M O "S i H _ . 2 & _ K-ATIONS. S a J gg !___L ÍW ► "-A Detroit.l, 5h?__fife58Ï;VS. Cr. J.J.mction, J ■Juucüon 7 bor. J gíl _f j n i. ■■ IT" g . g ii g GnuisLake, __ 8 :j5 , AÏ& n fl 9 G "' n l""6 aiDlUD, n 04 VI 50 _ 7 411 n sg , ,., BattleCreek, 12 1 r f r 8, f_ ., 2C GalMburg, 12 62 .!__ tor, 2 io 6 so 2 SI tV1,8' 3 OS 4 07 (i 58 3 30 4 so Buchanan, 3 19 7 07 ■ New fluíalo, 4 u3 4 58 7 45 4 27 I .-ton, 6 00 6 50 o ' ■■arrive, C 50 1 7 40 10 SO ; ::() g 30 GOITTG EAST. M I o I ?_ p_ p 3 0!io-o, leare, 7 00 9 00 4 00 5 16 ]n Kosington, 7 .■ 9 50 4 60 5 05 i ón k i, S 36 10 SO 5 42 6 60 Michigan City, 9 ío un 6 ■;■, 7 4. 9 49 11 Tinne Osks, 10 8a 7 18 ' 0 Riichanan, 10 32 7 40 K' Nilea, 10 41 12 ÍS 8 10 9 m s u D .waifiac, H 13 _1_ tur, 11 g ■ 9 05 1 , 41' rton, ] 57 ■ .) ., . ., ! . ,. -:- n ■ lojs a BatÜe Creek, 1 28 2 18 U M 7 M u w 3 ls Marshall, 2 25 8 00 f 8 OS 11 87 3 46 Albion, 2 52 3 21 A.M. 8 SS i9 4 12 GramLake, 4 10, 7 :r, 9 J-i - ■:., 4 40 8O2IO07 ' '-_ ■■ i 00 8 i 10 19 6 OS 5 10 s 26 Aun Arbor, ö 22 5 07 8 ).", 10 35 2 05 6 25 11 6 29 8 5" _ nti, 5 s -, 23 9 ü. 10 ís 2 -'() 6 41 WayneJuno., 6 02 6 45 9 23 1108 2 44 7 OS G. l.Junc, 6 8S ( 15 9 D-troit, Ar., l_ 6 Sandsy exoepted. rBaturdsy and SuadíTeí epteci. rDaily. H. I!. LKDTARn.Gor'! Minneer, Detroit H. C. W EHTWOETH, (i. P. & X agO. v The OnlyAm ,n.lda asToílows '1HT0 M' ' K' DPOt Detroit. cf: J intlc Express, d.-.ily, 4 00 a. m, Wagner oar ly, 12 noo„,Wag, pt Sunday, 11 10 1 m., Wagner ear to ,.J' 1roledo train 1 a. m. except Sundw ■ 3 10 p. m. diljr 6 m.iy,,H ForFa; . und&y. í" For Information and tickota apply to IJ W M.C. ROACII. Pss. Agent, Detroit. ?, .' K. E" SKOW. ' ■ I Ticket At 1 'et rolt. riREAT WESTERN RAILWAT- Depots footofThird and Urusli sireets.: Detroit time. Detro Atlantlo Expiem, tno'aVm. }u:' 8.85 a. ni. o New Inrkanrl Boston P" ' 7.00 p.m. tí.48a n ♦12 4.-, n m 7.00 a. m ■ : ay. tÉxeeptM, a. iv. W.H FIKTH, WM West.riH'ass'r.g't. Genend r. ', , ::! Toledo and Ann Arbor Raüroad. Takli " aOIHQ SQPTH, MiXjExp.lMaij , ■ ■' A.M. l M. '" TOLEDO 9 02 North Toledo 9: J ■ 841 6 II Detroit JuDoMon 9 : ' : a i i i . '.i (i-, . '■ . '; Conroe Junotlon 8 42 7 II ' ■ ■ 89 Dundet soa 9 6 IS tlosetonnec( MpnroeJuiiction foi v i pomtson ti 'ledo ml the Wahssh. Al] trains run hy ( olumbua tuur- 7 minutes faster thau Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASULEY, Jb., Superintendent.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus