MEDICINAL. YSM-JdIM JEBICIKB. TRAt heOreatK- I íeincdy, ; ii : ' ' ■ Tf .-'■ %y íj tpcy,!in1 all, 1:(. ,v. "B Before Tabinp?elt A1-"' T '-Aftcr TakW, ll TVinnoW .v;;ll, ,...:.. .;,..;,.. [ara in our pamphleto, w Wch we ■} 4 Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, ESTEOIT. We keep in siock the argest varieiy of Medica! Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. BWrisitor htk cordially lnvlted to tíH our Store wlien In Detroit. vwrtmct'Axs, Subgeoks, studexts, aneliKAI.KKS are invited to examine ota large ortmnt of Snrpal Isstnunsnis Rml all kiodred gooaa before making thcir releotiona Blsewhere, aa we wil) mske it to thelr adran. tugc to obtain their eupplles of FREDERICK STEARNS. To Kervqpa Bnfferers-Tbe Ore.-.í Fwropean Bemedj- Dr. j. 15. Slmpson's Si.etiíic Medicine. It ia a oore for Spermniorrhea; Semina] „,.„__ fcomSeli-Ab ,■ Mental Anxiely, aftkb. ví.".C Loss of Meiuory, ( ' '" ;i)Sidq. and W& tfêl "!;lt lead 'o ' "■■=- ( SHmpti,,,,, i.:,,„i,v i "J The Xpecitii il., C ' P "'ne is bei: Jja :,,orfx?:,evagcs .1. B. SIiir.-0X MEDICINE CO., Nos. 104 aud 106 Main Street, Búllalo, Ñ Y ._-L■= THE GREAT CAUSE ■ Htamaxi Misery. ■'"■-■'' ■ Sealcd Ènvdopt. Prict, sim etntt, A Icol ure on the Nat me, Treatineni Ba cal cure rhoBn.inauo [mpotencjr, Nervons Debilitv, b to Marriage thor oi Ihe "Groeo Book," 4c. ïho world-renowned author, in tl !;'''-"!' i experienoe that theawful coua i.buse may be 'ut medicine, and without orcordials; pointl mode o( ci'rs 'U oae ■ ■ I by whichei i); matter wh :. .. m, cur lically. ' : bis Leeture will prove n boca to t&ousands and hou Bent, underseal, in aplain cnvelopo, to any adptofstxcent,ortwopotageitamp8. Address the Publis] . TH E CÜLFEEWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 AnnSt., NawYork; Port Office Box, 4586. HALLS BALSAM Cnres Calda, Pnenmonla, Bronchitis, Astbma, Cronp, Whooping Cough, am all dlsenses of t!.e Breatfilng Orcraua. ltsi)otlies and henls the Meinbrane of the Luüjc, iaflamed and poisoncd bv the (iiseuso, and prevenís the nihfswents and tfghtness aeross the chest which aeeompany it. CON.SUJIi'TION is not an inearablo maladr. It is onlv necessarr to have the rig-lit remedy, and HALL'S BAL8AM is thatremedy pON'T ÜESPAIit Ot1 RELIEF, for tblg beinrn gpeeiflo will cure you, even tliongh professional aid faíls. HMRTS CABBOLIC SALVE the Most Foircrful Hcaling Agent ex-er Discoveréd. JIenr's Carbolic Salve cures the iroric iniv-H, JIc"orJ'f,S,n.r'"lle Salve llays the pain TIe:ir!' Curbolic Salte cure all eru tiims. Henry't Carbolle Salve heals p,,,,,.and blotrhes. lottrij's Ctrbolie Salve tvill cure cuta and lvuisfs. Ask for Henry's, and Tnkc 3Vo Othcr. W BEV.'ARE OF COÜNTEKFEITS. _L3 TOWNSUETTS p- :... - _- , ;_ r- .--■■ -j --,. ,,_ iFflHPïïjipin7 Awiftiiv wn löillflflliflll flHUllIfllll CUIÏES IN O.NE MINUTE. lE'l MM TROCHES a sur:; pbeVentcve of Contagioiis Diseascs, Cords, Hoarseiiess, Di{htheria, and Whooping Cough. 1 It'atant to the Taste. JOHN I'. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., _. -, ,, BOUS PSOPaiXTOKÜ, 34 Colleec Place, New Vork. POK SALE BY L. S. LEECH. The Universal Batli. lANT BATHSfc '■■ m m IN ONE L! d E. 1. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mioh. :':.' at the Drug Store of L. S. Lerei Cbol I"lt'1 ' : ■ on, SouthMain nufacturer, i: .1 Knowlon, Xo. 2-1 Murtli State Street, Aun Arbor I o wLom all correspoudecce should be addrcesed ' - - . _ LEGAL NOTICES. F.ntate of Horftce Koster. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUXTY sLTeeLL " " W iora,' I. 'leT, prayiDft tbal the dow r of said seized o rderea,thatTneeday,th twentictli iny oi Janimry neït, „t ten ,. tor 1:l il the hearing of ■ ■■■ , ., aniaUotheiper.ons ntreted ia mid estáte, ai reqmrcd ti at aemion of said eourt then ■ i'1n at the lr„tafe office in the city of AnS ndBhow caoiie, f „ny there be, why thè pr.-.ver „f the petitionei hoafd not be granteS" ■ perron, interested ir. said . ! the bew! ■i this orrtrr (o Ie ... n .. V. Doty, Trobnte Reírii I ■ - of James Morris. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ,. 1 míoboí thePiobate p"ï ■■',,■"' (-''-""'.v "f Washt, n.nv, holden ü , Probóle Office n the otty ot Ann Arbor, on Tues■■■ t ■,.„. y -thirrt day „i December, , I rwent, M illiam I) Harriman. Juaae otProbHtp Onrendinaand filinpr thepetition.dnlj verlflecï oi Ci.iilcK Morris, ptnyins that the dower oi EHj ilbrtlVl: fOrt"sjn : ii'-uvn , ybeodmea ttigirt ThereiipoD it ia ordered, that Wcdnesd-v the tw,.„ v-fnst day of Jannary Dext, t le" 'viok i,t the forenwn, be :.,-.-„; foi I . „., J ..tlairotn mn intereated in ... tHeroion of id Sur ■e in the city nf Anï Arbor, and 8how cnuM-, if any there be whr tbr rí - ï ,V orted t ld petitioner giw notice lo tho persons interested in snid r,tiif 01 the penrtency of ,:,„! pctitioS VJ thVh, ,-J ïns thereof, . of thluordei i„, Driïtod " sive weeks previo!, to Mld dy of heRrine. 'wm.. Propte ne,WerJ"ai;eOf PrOb"te' Kfal Estáte rr Hule. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY ,VLr;l,"VV:"'h''nw ss. In tbe matter of the Estáte en Marvin, deoeased. Noticeis bereh topuwnance ofan order granted to the admvnwtnitOTofthe estáte of W,ív '"■ T'"f' "f 1'r"l'at" ''"'■ the Connivo maw.on the ; seventeenth :,-.v „f Dpc. mfcr. íhe.tbiader,at the Iale residence oí :n the township ol Lodi in the ■■■■. raid State, on Tuesday th" tSiñ darofFebraary,A.D. lwo. al ten o'cloek in the fmenoo ,rf thatd &„L pj mortgaf-e or othenfise exiatlr at il.eiimcof folTownp described : 1. The west one-tliird.ofthc hrj-e-eïhthslof the west one-half, o? thé Southwest qiiiirtei oí sectioii twenty-one í-'l) in t í01' tw eonnty,MlhfZ -? t"!l'i'1" onrteen ]nk ouarter Bth ol te o! "'■ !':l' ' ' ' l leí tn ■ ■ qnnr■"', ';:-' "".""■■! ''T hain naiter i BOnUrning four and 62 10 i aeres moie or less r,Dec.n,1sr,CJÜ1Mü:íl-Vr Etiiíe of Albnrt K. Clark. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0ÜNT3 kJ of Washtena-w su. At a seasion of the Probnt Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden ai t! Probate Oifcce in the city nt Aun Arbor. oa Mem ilay, the t-.venty ninth i'ay of December ín t) yenrone thousand eight hundrid and aeventv-rjine Present, Vüliam D. Harriman, Judireoí Prohití doce-id ma'"ter f theestate ol Albert K. Clark eaaingandflliDythepetition, duly veiifled, ol Albert M. Clark, proying that a certain i -won tile in this conrt, purportine tü bc 111 and tartament of snid de. to probate, and that bimseii pS.Olark may be appointed ex .Therenponitisorclered,thatMondy,thetwPi)tvelxth day ot Jannary next, al teno'oloek m the torenoon, be aasigned torth heanr.ft oí snid peti. on, andthat tiicl o; saul decenaed, and all other persons interested u SBid estáte, are requiredto nppear at a n . Court, tlwn tí. be holden at the Probate Oihce ïri the city of Anu Arbor, and show cause il any .there be, why the prayer of the petitioner Rhonlil not be srianted : Ami it is lurlher ordered frive noties to the wrsons of the pem!: , . petition umi the hearing thertof, by oausinjr o ïiiaoracrto be publialied in the I ditGUS.a newspaper printed and circulated in said t bree successive weeks previous to said day ol hearing. ' WILLIAJI D. HAHRIMAN, wJr?f P7-) r, Judge of Probate. ff", tí. DfTY. Probate Eeïister, Keal Estáte for OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washlenaw, ss. In the matter of the éstate rlea K.fiurllnpame.deceaired. Noticeia hereby -ivcn, that in purauance of au order (mnted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said deceaed, l.y the llon. Judge of rrobate for'the county ol V. nshtenaw, on ihc ninth duv of Decem. . ■. 1879, there wül besoldat public Teodue, it bidder, at tlie late rebidonce of úÁ deceaaed oi tiie premiscs below descrihcd in the townhipof AnnArbor, inthe ooaniy oi' v; INTVFOraxIIDATOirjASOART, A.D. "V-lock in the forenoon of that day faubject to all ei pranoeaby mortgageor otheiwise exiatinf; at t lie mept the floath of said deoeased) ilie followin ■■I real estáte, tn wit: The southeast qiiarter of the norii;c.ns. quartei of section numbersixtuen 'ptowi r tw outh oi range nomber six east (Ann Arbor), cunlaining forty aerea aot to the returns of the Survcyor-General In Washtenaw Couuty. Michiean 9, 1879. PEÏEB M. MIILIXGAME, Administrator. 188O. Harper's Magazine. IU.VSTHATED. "Studyingtheaubjeet objecHvcly and fromtke point óf Tiew- seetlng to provHe tbal liioli. taken altogether, willbeof the mosl service 'thelargest mimber- I longagoconcludedthat, if couia have but one work toi a public librarj, ] ould select a complete set of Harper't Monthly."- I HARIES FBANCJS ADíMS, Jr. lts cimtents ure contribufed by the most eminent ithors and artista of Europe ai America, while ie long expertenoe of ite publUhera luis made them uit wlth the dealrea of thepub, whioh they will do efibrt to grutiiy. The TOlnmes of the Magazine hepin wilh the imbera tur June and December of eaoi lien no tino ia speclBed, it irul be nnderstood i the subscribe! wishea to begin wltli the currtnt tnber. Harper's Periodicats, HABPEB-S MAGAZINE One Year, $4 c0 II VKPEIÏ'S WEEKLV, " , 0(1 HABPEBJ3 ÜAZAR, 00 ThcTJIREE above-nained publications One AnyTV.O above named, One Yoar, 1 00 HABPEB'S TOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage Free to all snbscribers in the United States or Canada. ,,.f '"'-'.'v'? Rot of eB"'a MAOAznra, oom. ,io üeal oloth binding, win be pre8f,ewht at expense of purlLaser, on j, by m:" '■ ■'■■ Clotl caaea lor bindW 88 cents, by mail, postpaid. Remittancesshould iomiuirby Post-OfliceMoncv Draft, to avoid ehanciioi Iom. '"'■'■"■'''" '";-7 (Ais „- ,„,-(;,. mdil., ■ ■ , . Address. HABPEE .V BBOTHEB8, New York. JEWELRY. JACOB HALLER &. SON, ÏM-WI.KHS IN fATCHES, GLDCB,, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATEO WAfíE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, JSEÜSttSSg? eiyou t0 repairlns NOTICES. Notlce of Chancero Or.ior SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE C]R JohnJ. Hansey, compluinant, Bessiu Uacscy, defendant ƒ S naaL ■asüa ■SS Dtd, Deoember 25tb, 187 ho;icitr,.-aai„i „f Oounwi fui Complainnt. fttortgage SalTT " rEFAULT OF PAYMBNT HAVlNG 111 and twcntr-two iink south from the qnutèr (SZ Mortgage Sale. " rvEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE ■ a. Li. is,.., ut .! s'eloek ■. -,t . in hh =;! f S= 2áS3 iDgshenngheeni.stitule, ,,,i' ,„ „_ S BKsèSSS ame,iüaoai) attorney fee of twenty-flw dollfn. m herein provided : Notire fa th.refore hVreby %"t '■ , that sald mor gage wil] be foreclosed l,v Ie ï the moripaïwl precises therein escriba m v, seren, eteht nd nip, „ block BuSbiteïTS i)pm...y 4 Page-s addrtion to the village d.uw city) ■t Ann Ar or sko another pifee of Innd coinlona Dura er twent, „nI twenty-nine i„.t""on line f hevillngeol Ann Arboi aa first hifd out. m at the sonfhweal corner nr a ,,,ce of land decdd to Andrew No-wland by Ansoo Brown and run.;.-th,„,,. : nortf: (o -),e enter of n road forme hr ■""""" east (! west rorth of said section corni-r 'ence eaal w fár tbat tl, land lying between sa,d uthftnd rest side oi sald land iiü-firtliof nnam. m land; lío lols numberone, Vh "TT -;V"S public Tendneto dfr t the south door of the Conrt ""sVIII,sli' r(that bel lh aw for holding the Circuit Oourt for the "o,,,, tuf Tiresmift ui premisos will he sold to sntísfy the forrgoine ount . ' rest togethCT withnid "g ! costsand ezpemea alloved by FÈEÏEEirKsCRMlb,8r„ Morteairee Att'ys ibr aaid Mortgaffeé. SherifTs Sal-. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol ashtenaw, i ;. FieM t:ávnTá p ayer and i,,,„ry B. Mooroe n Franklin B. . en By virtue of writ of .-lenntiou inued out and imd-r the seal of the Circuit Coutt tor the inty IV, ashteuaw. to toe direeted nd delivered aa on the eleventh day of Auirasi A l) 8-9' n the Wlowing dewribeïresl Mta'ludi tt Premisei! to wit: All ttiai certnla mece .,r par1 81 _land sitúate and bl ,e in towMhip „f 1 ttsield, 111 the county of and state ihiKn,knownarid aescribed as the uorthrart qaarterof section numbir U in said townshin being town three south of ranee six tast. A)i the followingdescribed paroe] of land n said towualiip, to wit : on the southeast corner of thewert hlfof the southeast quarter of seclion ninüher 11, runnine thente notth to the aonh line of thu suid west half of the snit] sontbeait quarter "mt aid north Hoe so far t at by running a line outh pamllri Tita the enst llne of Baidwesthalïtoaroadon the south Ime ot said soutneast quiirter, and tlieneeto thp pli.c-e of beniuinj on smd road. the whole -wlll eneio-e twentv land escepting nnd retervlng from tl, e last description riirht tofA. „■„„. ., tui Detroit, HilKIaU-and BílVod ConTrany soIoDgasthe samo is uaed hy the companv pürraanl to SBid srrant, beinp Iets than 'ol land. Al- the following descrlbed liind in aifl townnhip to wit ■ Begiuoiug at the southweal corner of ilie east nau „t the uud goutheast quarter; thtnce nolts on división line oi a:i'i southoast quarter Blxtyrods; thauce etut parallel with tüe toulh line, "i mms Dtheasl ouart( r lorly roda: ü.ciire smth paralle with aid división line sixty roda tu the eouth line ol said section ; tbence trtest on said soulh line tony rods to the plací ol bennnins e. nQ acres more or les. Whfrh aaid innds and piemibesioi so mnch thereof as sliall be mcessary to satisfy the aiuount dne on s.iid execnlíon) I shall sel at public auction to tl e highesl bli der at tliauorlh doorot the Couit House' in the city of Am Arbprinsaid eountv fthat being the place of l.oldlng tue circuil cuurt in thu (ounty nliere the es are situatedj on thn Twenty-third day of y,A. D lssu, ut two o'clock in the alteri;ooii of that duy. Uated. January 9th, A. T). 1886 T ,. T CAH s. CASE, Sheriff. J. H. Lyon, Att'r for PlaintiOs, Thrie Rivera, Mich. SherifFÍTsale. " OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY . kJ of Washtenuw, sa. Thonias MUITl,j vs. James (lurphy. By virtuo of as execntim Irened out of '"' "iderthe seul ol the Circuit Court for the t Bay, iq .lie nbnve entftlrd caute to leliverro, 1,1,,-] „„ ,i,e ■_.,„], ,,lly "t.Tuly, .p IS7B ,vy „por ,11 Ihe rml.t. tille and nu. rest of James Mui],l,v in nnd to ilieíullow. in describid real eetate, toJt: All that e.ituin piece or pincel of laDd Bitnati and bemif n (lo city of Ann Arbor, ooiinty of Washteuaw imd state of Mjohiían, (Icscribed tt -, house Dd lot, numher eix, in Williain A. Benedictv pbt, mt iworded in tieofhc-i'ot the Ratster of Deeda for Washtenaw I coimty, Micni d." Which dracribed lands nnd premises I shall sell nt public aoction tothe liigliest bidder at ihe iiorth door of the Court House ia the citjr ol Ann iboi in said county (that being tha plce of bolding the circuit courta in the county where the pramiara are situatsd ) on the Ist. dny or Maroh, A. I). 1880, ut two o'clock in the afternoon ol that dny. Dated, .Tanuaiy ic:h, ]8so. JOBIAH 8. CABE, Sheriff. Snnr.iKD & Lyon, Atty'e for Plaintiff, ljiiy ( ly, Muh. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY r ln the 'tter of the estáte 01 SophwWetael. Notlce is hereby ciTen that in parsuance of nr order granted te. the nndi isiKned. Leonhard Ornner, Euardian ot the estáte ottaid Sophia Wetzel, by the Hou. Ja4ge of Probnte for the county ol Washtenaw Ibe sevsnteenth dT ol December. A I). 1879, there 11 heold at puli lic vendue, to the hixhest bidder, at south dóór of the court house at Ann Albor, in the coiniy of aahtenaw In saii state, on Satürdat, the FoübTEENTH DAY Of PïBBUiKT, A. 11. 1880, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day [tubject to 11 encumprances by mortgage or otherwin exiatinc at the time ot the salo) the following detcrlbed real estáte to ,t : The aast half ol i rthweat quartei and theeast bali of the southwest quarter of sec. I "ii 1!, rty-three (S8 in town tbree ionth of ranret, state ofliichifranjaDdalao as appurtenant tosald land all my right and tille to a certain spring: mi the west haKoí the northwest quarter of Baid Bection and uil m.vripht tocomluct valer frora siad spring and to hij and repair pipes for that. purpose. ' I Aim Arbor, Deo. ni, i;:i, LEONHAED SBUNEE, Guardian.. Coinmissitmr' Xori- OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT kjoi Theimdersifrnedhavinirbeen. appolnted hy the Probate Court for eaid County Commioaioners to TOoeiTe. examine and adiust all olaima and demands of all persons igainBt the sstate ut Petei Puite, late of said county, deceaaed, herebygive notice that six months frorn diite are alloved, by order of Baid Probate (Juurt for creditora to present toeir oJaimo against thé Baid deceaeed, and tbat they will meet at the store of John Costeilo in the villao-e oí Dexter.iu sald conniy, on Wednesday, the sSventeenth day oi .Mar.-h, aud on Tlmrsday, tlie seventeenth (hiy ot .lune next, at ten o'clock A.M.. of each ut said days, to -eceive, examine and adiust naid i " Jiiittd, December 17, 1S7!). JOHN TOSTET.T.O. JOHN C. TUOMET, 6iw Cöuinniïiouers.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus