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GROCERIES AND PROViSIONS. AÜÉW GRöCËRYl AT 6 EAS1 HU RON STREET, CASPAR RÊfJSEY as opened a r.ew stock of Grocerics at the above locaiion, mpi laing v rytMng in the line Hl boitono prioei :;nd p elusively for ■ From a lonor oyperienop in the trade, retuil n'l hoh'ü.iN', he believea lie can eoll gooda tía cheap a? ie cheapoat ALL AND SEE HIS PEICES! All Gcods Warraoted Fh-st-CinKS. Fannora produce Tranted tfor wbich tlio higheat nh ].rice will be paid. " Keruember the place, 1G Eagt Turón Street, Arm Arbor. MEDICINAL. THE READY FABHLY SOAP mmT LEWIS' LYE 08 PER CENT. PURE (Fatented.) FTXELY POWDÍRED. IIIGIILY PERFTTItfEB. The RtTOngeflt and purest Lye made. "Will make 12 pounds of the best Perf uined Hard Boap Ín 3ü minutos wirhout boHïnp. Thñ beet vnter-softeiier uxude. Tho best disiiiiectautTlie followinif are poiuo of the n a van tnif ei obtained by iieiuy Lcwia' 98 Per Cent. Powdered Lyc: __ -- Fïrit. Tt ia paclicd ïn on ïron can with JBSsft pup or removablo lid, easily takn off H and the contente expoeed, tliere1 VBLp by eavinf? the troublo, annoyance, aud EUMA -.danorer (from flvinff rarticles). aa ■HftJSjSEr wiih other Len, which, beingr ■PI _ Bolid iu the caiiH, niURt be ■BL Mrk broken with a baiuuier to gei h' ■- ..' ,'■"-■'17 A 111" Ia i out. 4HLfiJl Hí'ttnd. It n fine jhkkIV mSpowilpr. you can remove tho 1 IA Ji'i and noar out all tlie con & íx'ixts, bomg always ready for Tiürd. Atoasroonfulnrmorecanbe ÉrTKSfr UBed, aq in water-RofteuinK. ecmbbinisr, fl etc, amd the lid returnedtotho can, ana ObTB thereby savo the balance oí contenta. win Witb. other Lyos ïitl v.uipt be dissolved ■ vat once and used in a ehort time, or tho Mi Btrengrth is g-one. Fourtii. Absolute puriiy. Free ■ '" ' from aU aclultcrations. Fïftli. Tho bent Boap can be made in from ten to rwenty minutes with this Lye. 8ïxtï?.-2s"o faJIure la jopsüjIo in makin Soap ■niih this Lye when tho bimple directions givcn axe followed. Ono can of this Powdered Lye ia equal to twenty pounds of ÍSal Soda or WoshingVAtxhth One can of thïs Lyovill pnponlfyone E")und more of prreaso than any other Coneeutrated ye. Balt Potado, or Baponifler. Nimh. Thirj Lyo ia 28 por cent. Birong-er than any other Lyo or Potupb. Tcntli. Ono to t-vvo tcappocnfula ■will sofíen a tuV of tho hardeet water. Eleyentïi. One teaepoonfnl Trill thoroufíhly oleanse Blnks-Drains, or Closctfi. Inralnable .tor killinK Itoaclicï, ÏTicc, Eata, etc. ïhö bc-íjt wticlü for wat-hing Trota. JCANTPACTUr.i:i CWLY B"? GLT.Lawis&lIenziesGa. FHÍXADSLPHIA. RAILROADS. MICHIGAN C1ÍST11AL HAJXROAD. NOVEMBER 16, J87. aoiKO west. M B ["2 a I . f_ li__ 3_ r íj A. X. i.M f-'I. !'. 51. Í.M. r.Jt. Oetroit,lo;ive, ; 00 í) S9 B 55 -ín. 8 Ín ;i o G. T. Junction, 7 15 10 9ft 6 10 4 56 8 -í n K, rayn3 Junction J 5 !0 ÍS 6 (i .( 4.1 8 S7 (l 4- PKilimti, 8 20t0 48 ! M 5 05 9 -í Il'ü7 cddes, 8 30 7 20 UmArbor, 8 40 11 00 7 35 5 22 í ll 21 jelhi, S 58 7 4 -- JesLter, 9 04 7 X 5 : 9 59 g 2a k 11 .5 sí 10 ís H-ussLnke, 9 50 1 8 8 s 1 10 ■■■ H ' ..M ickson, 10 20;12 l.i 9 90 6 55 1! 95 :: IMOB, 11 04 12 U 4 7 JO 11 59 1 B3 arafaatl, 11 50 1 30 -" 6 06 12 2'. 1 5S P. M. I O 3 A. í. iftttleCreek, 12 19 1 55 ■! gStlUai 2 2!' lalesbarg, 13 52 - S 10 1 26 C'inraazco, lu'ïïT 5 Ó 9 30 1 awton, 1 6S ■' 33 i li iecntur, 2 10; i M 2 31 )nwii)fiiic, 2 35! B 12 2 5T Süe, 0Ï 4 M I 55 8 i) 4 38 liirhxliftn, S 1 ! 7 O7 i ' :; (l.Vaa 3 4 ■ ) 32 1 - Húrtalo, 4 Oí ( .".9 7 15 4 27 Uiehigall Citf, 4 :'" 5 2l 8 10 4 SS I e Lrtlte, 5 3 8 62 s 53 5 4". (rminitton, 6 091 I 6 JO s ÍS Chicago, raive, 6 '0 " 40 10 .') 7 '■ 8 80 OOÏ'iO KABT. i ?■ : í __ _r L_ _ -_ A. M. . V : . K. í. X. l'. M 'Mengo, lenve, f 11O 9 0" 4 00 J li 10 iensingWn, 7 i I f. "S :o 00 8 3ti 10 39 S 12 S 60 10 43 ichiftsn City, ■ 7 40 11 80 rhiw Oks, 10 3 7 IS : Buchaniiu, 10 32 7 40 : Viles. 10 45112 IS 8 1U .iao, 11 IS S 88 :„,..,,, ,r. u 8( 8 OS I Unrtun, ! 1 9 12 a. H.I Knlümazoo, 12 SS 1 ■ I'1 28 '1 21 ialcsburp, 1168 i . 7 OS Cattle Creek, 1 23 t IS m M 7 40 11 10 3 13 arehall, 2 26 8 ? 8 03 il S7! Í 46 A.S. , Albion, 2 52 8 il .v. 8 Si H Fackaoo, 3 45 4 051 ; 3 :;} 1-? 45 5 00 Oro? Liike, 4 1 7 S 10 2Í ia, 4 40 8 02 .10 i.7 Daxter, 5 00 8 IS 1 19 6 ui Delhi, ft 10 8 ïi ! nn Arbor, 5 SS 9 07 6 11 KI ti ! 0 6 28 rjeddcs, s 23 ■ 8 52 Ypsiltiiiti. 5 SR f. 2 9 ■rune, 6 02 E i.r., 23 1 M ! 1t 1 05 8 ' rune., 6 55 6 li 9 M I L1 S 2 7 45 ti .-,0 6 .WIJ iS '1 "" 'I S5 8 11O Sui4y rxoepted. JSaturday uad Sunduy eïept#ii. rDaily. H.n. IjHDYARD.Gen'lMainvitr.Dotioit. H. C. Wentwobth, ü. P. & T. Aít.. Chicase CANADA BOÜTHERW K'V LINES. The Onlv Api. rican Lioute Through Canada Traina lcHve M. C. B.H. Depot, Detroit, city Unie, -wö: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. ra., Vv'agnor car to Boston. Day Express, daily, 12 noon, Wagner car -ton. Lisrhtning Express, daily -except Sun :iy, 11 10 p. m., agD6r car t'j BuSalo and Rochestor. Toledo traína leave 7 50 a. ni. except Suuday ; 3 10 p. ru. dily ; 6 60 p. m. except Sonday, For Fayetto G :i0 p. m, except Sunday. For inf".inaüon av.d tickets apply to n. W Hayes, agent ?■■". C. It. 3t., Ana Arbor. K. C. ROACB, Tar.s. Agent, Detroit. FRANK ü. SNOW, üeu. I'ass. and Ticket Agt Detroit. pBEAT 'ESTHtlJi RAIIjWAYVT Depots foot of Tliird and lïrush streets.; Detroit time. Detroit time Le:ive. Arrive. Atlantic Expiesa, 14.00 a. m. 110.00 p. in Dy Expresi, 8.35 a. in. 6.30 p. m New York and Boston Exprws, "7.00 p.m. ti!.45 n.m Detroit ExpreM, 1U.45 p. m. Steumboat ICxpreai, 7.00 a. m tDafly. #Dnily except Snnday. tExcept Mooday Forinfonnation tiTtl tickets apply loH. W Huyes, Agent. M. O. B. H., Ann Albor. W. H. VIltriT, W)l. EDG R, Vetern Piti-s'r Ag't. Qeiicrul Pass'r Acen Toledo and Anti Arbor Raüroad. Taktog eircct Sunday November 28, 1370. Soms HOBTH. r;oi:a SOÜTH. Mix. Exp. Mail A. M . K. f. M. . M.P.M. P.M 10 41) 3 30 S00 TOT.ETO 9 80 H ") 8 8 10 43 8 SS 6 02 Nortta Toledo 9 28 8 08 8 5 10 57 8 41 Tilo Detroit Junctlon 9 19 7 53 3 3 i 10 - S19 Hawthorn 9 10 7 4S 32 1121 9 00 5 28 Bamaria 9 00 7 3!' SO 1 1 :;■„ 'J OS ü 34 Beola 7 83 2 S 1146 9 15 5 43 Lulu 7 24 2 4 11 . 1 9 2U 6 49 Monroe Junction 8 42 7 18 2 3 12 10 983 58 Dunde 88S 7 07 2 I 12 ï S BS i Macón S 30 7 01 2 0 12 84 II 48 6 12 s _'l e 105 80 6 27 Hilan 8 11 0 41 13 1 19 10 07 8 84 Nora 8 05 0 31 11 1 SO 10 14 Uranii 7 ,r 8 28 1 0 148 1026 0 5 Ypetlantl Juno. 7 4s 6 18 13 0 2l'i 10 4'i 7 "r ANN AIU'.OH r :vr imiVI" 7. ;.' a. ni. expresa aouth malus close connec I Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monro and for points on tiie Lake Sbore: at Toledo wií iColmnbua & Toledo and the Wahash. All train run hy Columbas time - 7 minutes fastei tbau An Arbor time. J. M. ASULEY, Je., Superintendent.


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