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MEDICINAL. GRAï'S SPKCil'lC MKDICIMÍ. RADE MARK.,,, „,.„„.„ TRADE MARK. o uníftilingcure $''". g& rainal AjH vveftknesfl, o ËSÊ .i) ■ Lí? sif '■■ - tency,nnd alldi - - ■ -Jr v eahcsthftl follciv Before Tatóigof MM%After Taking. iíii':fi, Pain in ilic Bnftk,Dimnc8S of . ture Oíd Ape, and manyotnerdiseasthai lend to Insauity, ConHurnption and aPre:ii nre I . ■ Full prirticnlftw in ourparaplilots, Tïhich-we ) end írce by maüto every one. The Spedfic Medicine Í3 iold by all JDrugfffets al 1 per package, or sii , n 16, or willfee ent by naaü ob rewlpt of the toonsy l y nddreseiog THB ORAY MEDICAS CO.. No 10 MeehankiB' BToct. I' íroit Mieb. JííjSoltl in Aun Albor by ull Pruglts, and by rugiats ovpi y where Stearns' Drug Store 81 W00DWAR0 AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep it stock the [argest variety of Medical Merchandize gaíhered under ene roof in America. Barvisltor are cordially inviteil to visit onr Store when in Detroit. PHTSICIAN9, Sl'KGEONS, STUDEJÍTS anil[,DEAI.I2KS are inTited to examine oux Iaige and complete astortmnt of üíiilbdl líMlilüillb and all kinilred goeds before malmg their selec tluns elsewhero, as we -will make it to their advan t ige to olitain tliuír supplies of FREDERÏCK STEARNS To Nenous Sufl'erers- ThO Great European Kíinetly - Dr. J. Ï5. Siiiiipson's Specific Medicino. Ifc is a positive cine for Ppernaatorrhea, Semina Weaknees, Impotency, and all tlisfcases rcsultin, fiom Belf-Abiiee, ns efobe. Mental Anxiety, ates. ÉlíV -L's of Memory, é '" Paina in Ünck or ' jflWSide, and diseasea WBH &'5fi that Iead to ƒ kL - 3 "ímA &nmption, insanity cf-W SJKjL .jt ftd rd early grave. yrsíí-' jgViíCf Tho Specific ■ ' p1' cine iy being usedtfBW ■ with vocdpri'iil anecess. Pampbleti seat frcetoall Wrif e for tbem and gpt full particular. Piice,Specíie, Í1.00 per package, or six pact age for $5.00. Address iü orders to. J. B. SIMPgON MEDTCTNKCO., Nos. 104 and 106 Main Htreet, Buffalo, N. Y For sale in Ann Arbor by Kberbaoh & Son, an by all druggisUJeveryivIiere. gg& THE GEEAT CAUSE gÜa I-ïuraaxs. Misssry. Ju$t pitblished, ín a Sealed Fnvelope,. Prict, gix cents. A Indure oij the Nai ure, Treatment, and Radical cure of seminal Weakness, or 8 pen rbcea, induoed by Seïf-Abase, Involnntarv Emissiong, Impotency, Nervous Dcbilily, and Impedito Marriage peneially; Consumption, lepay, aod Fits: Mental and Physical l&capacity, &c- By aOBBKT ■■■ IWELL, M. !., author oj the " G reen f -ook," &q, Tbe world-renöwned author, in íhzñ admirable Liiy provea írom faia owb experienco , - Ituse may be cfiectually removed without medicine,and without ■ i.tus, bougies instrumente ,orcordials; pointinir out a mode of cure at once certain and eflectual, by which every su no matter wbat lus conditíon may bo, m:iy cui' biniaelf cheaply, privately, and rudically. #& Tliis Lccture will prove a boon to tbousantls and tbousands. Sent, under seal, ,in a plain enveïope, to any address, on receipt ot'six cents, or two postagestiunps. Addrefce tbc Publishers, THE CÜIiVEUWELL MEDICAL E0., 41 Aun StM New York ; Post Office Box, 4586. Mullí1 H II ' I i liMlllimiliH ll"iyM ■!■ ■ Mili ■■■!■! SCOVILL'S ■ BLBflDUIIItBSW, a pcerless remedy for Scroftila, White Stvellhig-s, Cáncer, Erysipelas, Gout, Chronic Sores, Syphilia, Tumors, Carbuncles, Salt Eheum, Malaria, Biiious Complaints, and all diseasca indiciiting: an Impnre Conditiou of the liloud. This (rand fiemedy is a componnd oí' TCüretabic extraéis, the chief of whieh are SARSAPAK1LLA and STTLLIXGIA. The cnres effeeted by SCOVILL'S BLOOI) AND LIVEE SYEUP ai-e absolute and their record is undisfiured by failure. For sale by all Druggrists. MOTTS LIVER PULS. 1h hú Gathariic 7egetablo Esplato?, They rcctlftj torpidity of the lAver, Tiieij tjkVü tone to the Stomnch. Tiu'y act, without {jriping, iipon tlic boiccfs. They Hcmove bile f rom the blood. Thvy pur 't f i y ri(ulatef inviyoTate the bout, . They cure all biiious coitijfftiuts. ROGËRS' WORM SYRUP lnstantly destroys WOKMS and is recommcntleii by physlcians as tho best W0R3I MEDICINE In use. mmímmm i vr MJËJT and BEdtST. For External and Internal Use. The greatest Pain Reliever of tbo Age. ÍS For sale by nN l)rn;;sixtM. JOHN' F. XIENRY, CUIlltAN & CO., SOLE TROriilETORS, 24 Collcec Place, New York. FOE SALE BY L. S. LERCH. The Universal ESatli. I the ;.rl,l. CT ZvYlT, I ' Í Pric Radooad OM Bth Runewail. .- sd for Circuí. E. I. KNOWLTON, Ann flrbor, Mich. For snlc at tlic Druf; Store of L. S. I-erch, Cook's Hotel block ; ulso by (.'. Eberbaoh & Sou. Soudi Mnin Street ; and :tlo by the nianufacturer, E. J. K DOWlton, No. 21 Nortli State Street, Ann Arbor, Mich., to wlioni all correspondence Bhould bo addrüösed. LEGAL NOTICES. Kstato of Potters - mlnorst OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COIJNTY J) of Washtenaw, sa. Ata sessionof the Probate oúrt fot the County of Wnshtenaw, bolden al the róbate Office in the city of Arm ArU;r, on Fiiiv, the iiiiilh düy i)f Jiumary, iu the yeat one honaand eight bvundred and i Ighty. pn ent, VVilliaun D. üarrfman. Judge of Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte or Sarah J. Potter, j]]y M. Potter, Francés ;. Potter, Caroline A. 'otter, and Hornee W. Potter, minors. Allen C rittenden, the guardián of Baid wards, omes ii:!" epurl and represent! that he is now pre(ired to render his nuuual account as such uardian. Th en "Pon W ordered, that Frïday, thethirtleth ay of Jantiary next, at ten o'clocfe in the foreioon,be asslgned for examlnlng and allowln ccoLint, and i hal the ju xt of kin of s&ld Ward and il otber persons ïnterested in said estáte, are rc[uired to appear al asesaton of said court, thento lolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Aror in sald connty, aod show cause, if any there te, wliy the Bftld account stiouM not beaflowed: nd it is furthcr ordered, that sai') guardián gire notíce to the persons In tere tefl i n said eM. he pendeney of said account and the beanng ; reof. by eaasingacopy of tbls order tobo pubíu the Au s Aabob A koüs, b nwspaper trlnted and circulatfng In Batd county, tiro suc;esive weeks prevíoní to sald of )■■ aring, W1LHAM D. HAfltUMAN, (A tfue copy.) öf Probate. W tf. (i. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Catliarlrië Bross. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O oí Wftshtenaw, ss. At a Besslonof the Probate !onr( for the County of "VVashtenaw, holden at the probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuealay,the thirteentfa doy of Jannary, in tbe yeaz one bousand eisrht bandred and eighty. Present, William D. ilurrimim, Jtulge of Probate. In the matter of the est:ite of Cnthaiine Bross, leceased. Leonhard Qrnner, adminiutrator wïth tic witl annexcO, iind öeorge Johnson, exeeutor of he last frill and testament of said deceased, come nto court and represent tbat thcy aro now prepared o render their final account r aut-h exeeutorand idministratoT. Thereuponitlsordered.that Friday.the thirtietb layofJanuary Instant, at ten o'clock in thefore noon, be assigned for ex&jnïning and allowinti such iccount, and that the de visees, legatees and beira al aw of said deceased, and all ot her persons interested Ln said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to holden at the Probate Office, íti the city of Aun Arbor, in saïd connty, aud show causo, if any there be, why tbc said account sbouk not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said ejecutor and Administratof give notice to the in teres tel in said estáte, of the pendeni-y ot said account and the hearing thoreof, by caosing a copy Oithlsorder to be pnblUhed in tne Am Auiïor AR(;rs, anewspaper printed and circulat Lng In said county, two saccesslTe weeks prevlous tn sald day of hearing. WILLlAii D. HAERIMAK, [Atruecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. t. Doty, Probate Register. Ral Estáte for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of ■WashlenaWjSS. In tse matter of the Eetate of Selden Marvin, deceased. Nol ice is herehy given that in pursnance of ud oider granted to the under aig'iied administratOT of the estáte of saïd deceased bj the Hon. .ludsreof Frobate for tbe Counly o Washtenaw, on the seventeenth day of December A. D. 1879, there will be sold at Public Vendue. to the l)Lrhest bidder, at the luie residen ce oí said de eeased, m the townebip of tltecouniyo Washtenaw, in said Statefon Tuesday, the tiïr day ol Feb-ruary, A. D. 1880, al ten o'clock in th foienoon of that day (subject to all encumbran ce by mort ga ge or oiherwise exiating at the timé o the (üeatn of said deeeased) tbe following describec Eleal Estáte, to-Trit : 1. Xïfl westone-tbirdjof the south three-eipbths, of tbe west one-lialf, of tlr southTFcst quarter of section twenty-one, (21) in the townshïp of I.odi, V;i:?hienaw county, Michican '2. A strip of land one chain and fourteen link wide, and extending acioss the nortbeast quarte of section twenty-ene, in town three (!J sonth o range five (5) cast" in 'Washtiiaw oounty, State o Michigan. The weat side of which is parallel to and seven roda east of the ivest siüe ot sald quar ter section, and the eastside ia sixteen [16) chain and fifty-seven links frest of tbe east hlf quarte liue, containing tour and 62 100 acres moie r less COMSTOCK F. ÍU1.U Dated, Dec. 17, 1879. Adminiatrtor Xstattf of Allert K. Clark. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasbtenaw ss. At a session of theProbat Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at tb Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor, on Mon day, the iwenty-mnth day of December, in th yearone thousand eight hundred and serenty-nine Piesent, WÜliamD. Harrirnan, jttdgeof Probate In the matter of tbe estáte ot Albert K. Clark deceaaed. On reading and filinor the petition, chily veiiflec of Albert M. Clark, praying that a certáin instru mentnowon file in thia court, purportin? to b the last wÜl and testament of said deceaset' may le admittcd to probate, and that himseï and Arthur 8. Olark may be appointcd executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty pixth d:iy oí January next, at lenoclocK m the toreuoon, be assined torthe hearing of said petition, and that thedeviaees, legateea and heirsat law of said deceaeed,and all other persons interested in said estáte, are renuiredto appear at a session of said Court, Uien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Arm Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be srninted : And it ia fnrther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in aaid estáte of tho pemlency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causinpr a copy ot this order to be published in the ABN AEBOti A !:(aN,a newspaper printed and circulated in said eounty, three succesaive weeks preyious to said day of hearin. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Register, Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wasbleoaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Ji.Burlinsame.deceased. Notice is hereby H'ven, that in pursuasce of an order {riantedto the undersigtied administrator of t!ie estáte of said 'd, by the Hon. Jiulgo of Probate for the eounty of Vnshtcnaw, on the ninth day of Drcuibei, A. D. 1879, there -vtill be so!d at public vesdue, to the taighest bidder, at the late residooft of said i il on the preinises heïcv desoribed in the townshi)) of Ann Arbor, in the couniy of Washtenaw, inpaid slale, on 8ATUBDAY, tuf. Twbhtyïoueth DAT or Janu.vky, A. 1). 880, at ten o'clook n the forenoon of that day fsvibject to all enenmbrancea by mortgage or otherwlse eziating at the timeot tlie death of said deorased) the followirrg doscribcl real estáte, to wit: The southeast qtiarh of the northcast qnartei of setiion nnmbersixtee in township nurober two south of range numbe six east (Ann Arbor), confaining forty aorea m oording to the returns of the Surveyor-General. I Washtenaw County, Michigan. Dated.Dec. '.). 1879. PETER M. i U'líUXG AME, Administrator. T IXSEY & SEABOI-T'S Bakery, Grocery, FLOUR ÁND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &.c, Tor Wholesale and Ketail Trade. "We shall also keep a supply of DELHI XjOTJS,, J. jr. Swift & Co's ïïest TVliite Wheat Flour, Kye Flour, üucltwlieat Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale and ret A general stock of GEOCEEIES AND PEOVISIONS cimstuntlyon hand, wliich -will be sold on as reasonable tenns as at any other house in the cuy. i Cash paid for Buttcr, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. Goode deliveredito any part of tho city without extra charge. & Aun Arbor, Jan. 1,1879. PA1NTS, OILS, ETC. rpiIK LAREST AIVJ BEST STOCK OF i AENIf UILd, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &a AMERICAN AND FEENCH WIITDOW CLASS au Sisea. T SOEG-'S. 'IQ and 28 East Washington Streot, ANN AEBOE. EVEEYBODT SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Bosa Pliotographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court House, lst floor. LEGAL NOTiCES. Notie e of Chancbry Order. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, THE CIRO cuit C'ouit ft.r the connty of Wa litcuaw- ín lance ry John J. Harsey, complainant,) V8. V , [ Bessie Hanaey, defcndant. ) WashtenaT Connty, se. lí salisfantorily I ig tome thutBeasie Hansey the defendant isa on-reaideni of this Kt'it", Oo mot ion of Cramer, ; 'nKiuiil' & Portan, solicitara and of connael for t ha I omplain&nt, it i ordered that tlie sail defendant, I Eansey, cause her ap] e i ttriseause to red wíthln three months from the d.ite of i order and that In case of her appearance alio 1 ver to the coznplainant a bilí oí [ ilninf to be fited i:i this cause and a copy thereof to 1 te served on the cotftplainant'a eolicitors within ] went y days ftfter due tervice of a copy of said bilí f ntthe defendant or her solicitorsand a notk-e of this 1 order; and in defauli thereof lh:it the atid bilí be j aken asoonfcaaed by the said defendant: And it 1 b furthf r ordered that tvithin twenty days the said 1 omplainanteaiiae a notice of this o?d?r to fce i mbfished in thc Ann Arbor Akgus, a wo;kly 1 t print ed ín naid connty ol Washtenaw, and that 1 hesaid publicatíon be oonlínued in said paper at t'iist once in each week for six ittcceuiYe weeks or ihftthec order to be personan y unth aaidaefi ■■ Ban Bey,at least wentydaysbefore the time abo ve preacnbed for her appearani e. Dated, December 2üth, 1870. ■7 A MES McMAHOlíj Circuit Court Coirifci.ssionor for W anht c-hdiVr County, Micliigan. Crameb, FRtrs u t f & Cokbin. Solicltora and oí Counsel for Complainant Mor'yEFAL-LTOFPAYMENTIIAVING I J s been madt oí' a ceitain mortgnge made by A I fost K opp and Pan Une K.opp faia vife to Alonzo [ Clark, dated Maren 20, A. D, 1876, and recorded in , the Register of Derds otfice fnr "Wnshtenaw county. I i), mu tíi.' 2Sd day of March, A. t. 187, at tí r m., in libt-r M of mortgages on page ! ■ on whicn mort gage there now reraaina doe t iim! o win g the Bum of three bundred and yerentytwo iind l'i-l' 0 dollars, the turther sum of three trandred dollara of principa] wítb 'he interest thereon oecming from Marcb 20, A. D. 1879, at ten per cent. hereafter to become duo aceording totheterma of said mortgnge, and no proceedinse at law or equity having been taken for thecolleci nu thexeof: Notice ia ther aiven that byvirtueof I the power and provisious in said morfgage I tained, and for the purpose ol.realizing the I ment of tbe moniefi r alddueandowing I on said ttwrtgage, togetberwith the In Ier est to I crue thereon at ten per cent anéeosla and charlea I ai í':'í u t', inelndinqr an ntlorney fee ppeciiied I in saifl mortpage, I ehall, on the Twkmtt foüeth I dat of Januaky, A. D. 18 0, ;ii i} o'clo'k M., Bell at I publio, vendue to the hlghetft bidder ut the fi-ont I door ot the Court Hoase in the city of Aim Arbor, I Washtenaw County, Michigan, subject Èo the I maining principal, and interest unaecnied, not yet I dne, all that cert!n trset or parecí of land being [ and Jying in the townahip of Bridgewater, county I ol ashtenaw and state of Michigan, knoirn and f boanded os follows, ftovtt: Oommeneisg on the f middle of the hlghway in the qnarter aection line ' in section nninber twenty in townsbip number foor Bouth of ranpe number fonr eaat twenty iwo ';hains and twenty -two links south from the qnaitcr port in north lü e of said seotion number fewenty; t henee pouth along s;iid qnartei line mixteen roda and six links to a stake; thence north asterly twonty-three roda and tive and on e-b alt links to a stake; thence north to center of mili ro:id sixtien roda and six links; thence Bouthwestvardly along the center oí mili road to the place of beginning, eontaiuing three aeres of land be the sanie more or leas. Dated, October 26, 1879. ALONZO CLARE, Mortgagee. E. B. Woor, Attorney for Mor1 TtLortgaLfge Sale. DEFAÜLT HAVING BEEN MADE in the condïtions of a certain mortííge exccuted by Freüerick Buoff and "Wilhnlmine Ruofif his wife, to Frederick Shmi;l, 8r., dated thc eiffbth day of May, A. I). 18J5, and recordad in the office of the Eesister of Deed a íor the county Ot'Washtenaw and state of 5lichig:in, on the twetfth dity of May, A. D. 1875, at o'clock p. h., in iiber 51 of mortgages on d by reaeen oí aid d fault and tbe elecnon of san) mortgagee tê hr.-re ihe whole aum become due aceording to the terms of said morteage the power of aale conttined in said mortenge baTÍng become operative, and noproceedings hanngbeen institnted in law or equity to recover the deht secured by sjiid mortgaeor anv part thereof and the sninoi tenhundred and twenty-nis 84-100 CW026.84] dollars being now c aimed to bedue on Bftld niortfiage and the bond aecompanying the name, abo an attorney fee of twenty-h' ve dolían aa thercin prOTÏded; ïfotice is ihcretoie beiehy given, that said moitiitre wil! be forecloeed hy sale of tbe mortgaged premisea therein described or so mnch thereof as may be necessary, viz: Iota three, aeven, eight and nine in block number ten ia Ormaby ái Pagfe's additioc to the rillage (iott eityj of A.nn Arbor; alo another piece of land j meneinc; at a poínt in the set ion line bet ween ections nnmber twenty and twenty-nine, betweea the east corner eommon to said section and the east Hne of the village of Ann Arbor. as first laid out and at the sonthwest corner of a pieoe of land deeded to Andrew Nowland by Anson iïrown, and runnlng thence norfb to the center of a road formerly running east and west north of sai'ï section corner, thence east so far that the laad lyir.g betweeiuuia old road and the south and weet ñdfi of eaid laral doorled by said Iïrown tosaid Nowland shall contaia one-flfth of an aevv. of land ; also lots number onc, two, iive and six in said block, at public vendue to the highest bidder aMhe south door of the Court House i ii Bítid city of Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Oourt for tbe county of Washtenaw) "n Sati uday, thk Twkntjeth dat OF MabcH, A. D. 1SS0, at II a. M. of said dar. S;iid premise-s wiïl 1 isfy the ffTregoinjr amount with accr;ii)g interest together "witii said attorney's fee and all cos:ts and eXperisêa allowed by law. I)ee. 17, 1879. LCK aCftMID, Sr., Jlortgagee. Cramer, Fbtjsauff & Cobbin, Att'ya for said Mortgagee. gheriff'B Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY IO of Waahtenaw, es. James B. Field, Edward P. Thayet and Kmery Ií. Monroe vs. FraukJin B. Che en. lïy virtue of a writ of execution issued ont oí and under the seal of the Circuit Court l'or tfce county ot Washtenaw, to me direeted and deliyeïed, I did on the eleventh day of AogTist, A. D., 1S79, lovy upon the followiog described real estat, lands and premises, to wit: All thatcertnín piece or parcel ot land sitúate and beinr in the towiihip oí Pittsfield, in the eounty of Waehtenaw and state of Michigan, knovn aud described as tbe northeaaí quarter oí' seetioii number 14 in suid town&hip, wnthree ñrath of range svx aaat. Aiso thc followlug described parcel of land in ssid tonBship, to "wit : BegínniDg on the suuthe; sí corner of the west htilf of ttie soútheast quarter of section mimber 11, running thence north to the north line of the said west half of the said southeast quarter, thence west on thc said north line so far bat by running: ii line south parallel with. the east line of said west balf toa rond on the south luie of saíii ist quarter, and thence to ihe place of beginning o said roml. the whole -wül enclose twen t y acres of land excepting and reberving from the last description the rijrht of way heretofore granto tl the Detroit, HiUsdale and Indiana Bailioad Conipany, so longaa the same is usvá by tl e eompany pursuant To said irnmt, lx ing less than one acre land. AIso the fouowlng deacrlbed land in said townabip, to wit ■ Bwóoning at tho southwest corner oí' tüe eat halt of tbc said southeaet quarter; thence north ou división liue of aaid southeast quarter aixty rods; thenue east parallel with the south line of said Bontheast auartei forty rods ; thence scuth parallel with said división line sixty roda to the south line of said section ; thence west on said soath line forty rods to the place of heginning, contatning Bftei n aerea more or less. Whicï said landa and premiaeaiorao much thcreof as shall be necesaary to afltisfy thejunount due on executiou) I shall sell at public auction to tl.e highest hitlder at ths north door of the Couit House iuithe city of Ann Arhor in said county ftbat he'mg the place of holding the circuit court in the county where the premises are sUuatedj on the Twi'nty-third day of February, A. B. 1880,attwo o'clock in the aiternoon of that day. Dated, Jamiary 9th, .T. 1880. .1OSIA11 S. CASE.Sherift J. II. Lyon, Att'y for Plaintiffls, Time Rivera, Mich. Slieriiïs Sitie. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTT of Washtenair, sa. Thomas Murphy ts. James Murphy. By virtuo of an exeeution issned t)ut of aod under tho seal oi' the Circuit Court for the county of Bay, in the above entitïed cause to me direeted and delivereú, I did on the L'th day of Joly, A. D., 1879, lery upon all the right, iitle ■ and interest of James Murpiy in and to the ■ in described real estáte, to vit : All that ceitain piece or parcel of land sitúate andbeiag in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and state oí Michigan described as "A house and lot, number bIx, in William A. Benedicta plat, as record ed in tneofficeof the Keiïistorof Deeds for AVaahtenaw county, Michigan." Wiiich described lande and premises I shsH s'lll at public aiu-i ion totlie highest bidder at the north door of thc Court House in the i city ol Ann-Arborin said county (that being tha j place of holding tiie circuit court s in the county j where the premises are situated) on the Ist. day , of Maroh, A. T. 1880, at two o'clock in the afternoon ut that day. Dated, January lGth, 1880. JOSXAH 8. OASE, Sheriff. Sjiepard & Lyok, Atty'B for Plaintiif, By City, Mieh. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, SS. In the nifttter of the estáte oí Sophin Wetzcl. Notice is hereby giren, that in pursuaooe of íid order griinted to the undtrsigned. LeoDhard Grunpr, j;uirdiíin oí tbe estáte ofeaid Sophla Wctzc!, by the Hou. Jndge of Probule for the county of Washtenav, on the scvéiiteenth day mber. A. D. 1870, tliere will ie sold t pubUc Tendne, to tbe Üghest bidder, at south door of the eourt house at Ann Arbor, in thc county of Washtenaw in siii.i state, n Satckdat, tbe FocbTEINTH DAY Ol FebrUABÏ, A. 1). 1SS0, at 2 o'clock in tlie aftexDoon ot that day (subject to all encum ) br.inces by mortgage or otlierwise existing at tht time of tne sak'] tbe following doïcribeareal eatate, to wit : The east half of the northwest quarter and theeasi half of the aonthweat quarter of sex , tion thirty-tbiee (83) in town tbree sontli of range tivi' eaBt, state of MichüraD ;snl alsoas iippurtenant tosaid land all my right and title to a certain spring: on thc west half of the northwest quarter of Baid seotion and till my ripbt to eondnet water from said spring and to lay and repair pipes for th&t purpose. Ann Arbor, Doe. 31, 1S79. i.Koxii.iiii OKUNEU, Guardian. Estáte of Emilus M. IUcliarilson. QTATE OP MICHIGAN, C0UNTT )O of WasbtenaTr. bs. Nol Ice i hereby given, that ' by au order of the Probate Courl lor tbe County of ' enaw, made on tbe twelfthday of January, . D. 1880, slx montbs from that date were allovëa for ereditors to preseni tneir elninu againal the 'state of Kinilus M. Richardson, late of said coiintf, I I. and that all cxedttors of sakt deceaaed are required to present their claims to snid Probate Court, at the Probate Oliice In tbe City of Ann Arbor, for examiaation and allovance, on or before tlie twelfth day of .Tuly neKt, and that aucli claims wil! be beard before said Court on Moiidny, the twelfthday of April, and on Mon day, the twclfth day of July next, at ten o't-Iock in tbe forenoon of each of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, January 12, A. I). ÍS80. WILLIAM D. HARRMAN, 3wl Judge oí Probate;


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Ann Arbor Argus