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Suicide Of The Scorpion

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Allen Thomson, the eminent natural" ist, writes to Nature as follows: Donbts haring been expi'essed at various times, even by learned natnralists, as to the ceality of the suicide or self-destruction of the scorpion by meana of its own poison, and these doubts having been again stated ín Nature, Vol. 20, page 533, by Mr. K. F. Hutchinson, of Feshawar, as the resulL of his own observations, I think it may bo usoful to p;ivp an articúlate account of the phenomenon as ií has been reli to me by an eye-witness, which removes all possible doubt a.s to its occurrenco in cevtain circumstances. While residing many years r.go dr.ring the sumiui.-r montos at the batha of Lacea, Italy, in a soméwhat damp locality, my informant, togetber with ths rest of the family, waa mueh aanoyed by the frequent intrusión of small black scorpkms into the house, and their being secreted among the bedclothes, ia ghoes and in other artieles of dress. It thus beeame necessary to be constaatly on the watch for these troublesome creatures, and to take meana for tiieir removal and destruetion. Having been informed by the natives of the place that the scorpion would destroy itseif if exposed to a sudden light, my informan! and lier friends soon beeame adepta in catching the seorpiona and disposing of them in the manner suggested. This oonsisted in contining the animal undeï an inverted drinking-glass ot tumbler, the enpture v:h cna raeu, wiu till dark, suddenly bringing the light of a candle near to the glass in which the animal was confined. N gooner was this done than the scorpion invariablv showed signa of great excitement. runnine round and round the interior of the tumbler with reckless veloeity for a numbeí of times. This state having lasted for a minute o more.' the animal suddenly beeame quiet, and, tuming its tai! orthe hinder part of its body over its back, brougïit its recurved sting down upon the muidie of the head, and, piercing it forcibly, in a few seconds beeame quiet naotionless, and, in fact, qnite.dead. Thia observation was repeated vcry frequently; in truth, it was adopted ag tne best plan of gettmg rid of the animáis, and the young people werp in the habit of the seorpiona withimpunity Immediately after they were so killed, and of preserving many of them a miriosi tifia. t - Archbishop Lynch, oí ïoronto, haa written an account of a recent eonference of an hourv.ith the Pope, wlio was earnest and particular in liis inqmne about Roman Catholicism in JNortn America. "Ho deplora! the debts of the Cliurch in America." the Bishop saya, "mil spoke oí fche Gospel narrative of Bitling down and making a cal- cnlation before coiameneing a work. He asked me about the meana of emv cating my priests. 'We raust, saifl he, 'have good, holy and loanunt priests and good seminaries. Priesttf must be able to refute all the heresie and strange opiniona tl:ü avuse.1 I asked lis especial blessing for the worK of the Diocese. A sign f the crosfl and a great blesaing trttered from the' heartwere bis reply." The Arclibishop thinks that the Tope is wearing liimself out rapidly with ovcrwork, andwili uot live much longor. .AxMOST every on-hard in Southerfl California and everj ornamental garden bas several banana trees. The Famoos Wolfskill orchard, at Los Angeles containa ■■; targe number. In the eonrtyarjl of the Pico House thefe are a few iinlividual specimen. The banana may be seengrowing all through the San Ga briel Tftltey and the ' entre eomrrtry ai-ound the City of the Angels. The tree, however, appeara to be onltivatert more for its snperD ornamentation anti foliage than forany anticipation that it i!uivin the near or distant future be made a source of profit. - A Western politician once srüd ter the late Senater Chandler: ■ Senator, I Bhould like to sce yoa President; you are the sort of man we necd just now. "Ño, no," replied the war-horse; "I hope Til never get the Presidential fever. It is sure death. Men recover from the snwll-pox, cholera and yellow fever, but they uevcr jret over tlio ftteotèal


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