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Brayton, Postmaster At Providence Is

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ehort $30,000. He will sbortly turn up a third-tiirmer. The capital of Mississippi olected a rt'pubHcan mayor the othor day. üt' course thcre was no bull-dozing thore. The Grant boom is subsiding so fast tfaat it would be a stroko of wisdom „non the part of thejhird-termers to it disappears altogether. Pastor Hayden, on trial from Oct. to Jan., and virtually acquitted from the charge of poisoning, 11 to 1, of Mary Stftnnard, should enter the leoture field on " What I Know About Arsenic." If Fitz John Porter had fought as vrell in the rubellion as he has sinco to b( i estored to bis rank divestod by court niartial in 1863, he would have gone down to posterity with a far better record. John Kelly's anti-Tilden Democratie conference in Albany last week failed to complete the entire prograrume. Perhaps tho omission was due to the fact tbat no one was found who would accept Becond place on tho ticket witb John Kelly for president. Beautiful exeniplioation of civil service reform ! John Sherrnan using federal patronage to pack cancuses in bis interest for the presidential nomiuation. Is it any wonder this hypocritical a3ministration stands below par in the republican housoliold ! Blaine is securing more delegates froni Pennsylvania than Grant, to date. Don Cameron contracted for more than he can deliver, it appears, but the convention is months away with ampie time for him "to see" the anti-Grant delegates. Casting about for Presidential preferences is taking a new forni this year. Ileretofore the itystera has been contined to canvassing passengers in railroad traius. The ubiquitous reporter novv seefes out the voter at hiscountingrooni, workshop or busiuess place. Thus progress is mado in this direction as in everything else. Is there a heil, and if so, wbat eort of a heil is it, so troubled the Fort Wayne Sentinel that a reporter wp.s dispatched to interview the clergy. The editor feels better now, most of the preachers expressing the belief there wasnoliteral heil, or if thero was any at all it was not very hot. The old fashioned orthodox heil must be moving toward the polea. Boyntou is theWashington correspondent of a Cincinnati newspaper and in writing the trutU about Gen. Sherman provoked the general of the army to say Boynton would Blander his inother for $1000. Boynton doesnot resteaey under the imputation and wants $25,000 damBges. It is not pleasant to contémplate thecommander of ourarmyappearing in' court as defendant in a slander suit. But great as well ns sinall men have tongues Hablo to wag in libelous lauguage. Those people who believed Tilden stock went below rnsurrection point ifter the New York election, mustrealize oy this time tbat Uncle Sammy is by no TQeans politictilly dead. The forty or 5fty men headed by John Kelly, tliat net in Albany last week to inaugurat t concerted opposition to Tilden' nom nation do not think he is out of th :ace. One of tho numher said to a Sun eporter tbat Tilden would carry tbe dele jates froni New York, and that he anc thers were thus early in the field t jrevent his nomination, and if nominat id to bolt the ticket. ■ iA-hWïiu VtWatnr wri&n 'tüé r'iïilroads vould control this government. As a age hemayhave been no mean prophet. ?he N. Y. Tribune is owned by Jay rould; the World is largely owned by 'om Scott, the Peunsylvanla railroad ing and daily inakes war upon Mr. 'Uden because in his letter of accaptncu in 1870 he opposed all subsidies. co;t has been knocking at the doors of ongress many yeais for a Texas-.faein'c ïbsidy, and with Tilden in tho white ]OU8e a veto would be inevitable. These vo papers run in the interest of railad jobbers, is only a straw in the dilction of Johnson's prophecy. Ono of the best reasons why the Eoïblican party ought to and will be iumphantly beaten with Grant as a ndidate, is its willingness to inauguteandfightuponthñdefensivethrough long campaign. Knowing f all well 3 last adininistntion brought abont e tidal wave of 187-1 which swept condI of the legislativa braucli from them, undalizing the country with whisky ]g frauds, bhick Fridays, post sutlerips, reckloss navy expenditures; with is historv before thevoter, third-tormi affect to believe all these things ) by this time forgotten. What a amentary it is upon the minds of the ple tu suppose it can not retain tho litical history of the country during years.


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