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Kstaín ofWlUlam tv. tílggn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Wflfchtpnnw. sa. j of the Probate 'robato OIHce in the city of Aun Arbor on Weaheadny.thetwenty-eiRhth d-iy of Jnnuary, in the year ono uoilsai::] t-i-.l.t bundred McJ e'shty. ent.WüIiamD. Hnrrimuu.Jhitlseof Probate. In 1ip muiter of the ectute oí William W Eilmn deeeased. ' On readtng and fillng the petltlon, duly Terlfied of Chauaeey W. Rigïs, praying that a certain inMrument nowon filein tbis eourt, parporting to l)c the List ri]] nnrl testament of saiJ deeeabed i'niv beadmitted to probate, and tttat he uv:y bo ip"-pointcd execut'ir thereof. Thereuponltisordered,thBt Monday, the twenty-t:,iid dayof Pebruary nest, at ten n'elock in the toronoun, be assijsned foi t!?c benriri" of said pel:! urn, and that the devlsies, legatees, and hcirs ut lawof saidd ceased, and all othci persons interested in saia estáte, iir required to npivr at a Bession of aid Conrt, (hen to be holden nt tlie Probate OUice in the city of Ana Arbor, and show ennse ïf anythere be, trhy tlio prayer of tho petitioner ihould riot begrantefl: And it is furthor ordered ''■''■ s' RiTe notice to the persona ind in sald estáte, oí the pendeney of said P'Ution, and the hanrinji ■ bepubliahed n the Ank :■ r prinied anil cireulated in said Mirue aucceaaive weeks pmvious to suiddav ,i heaiiag. WILLIAM D. nABRIMAN, ' A true copy.) jadre of Probate. Wm. G. Doty; Probate Eegisiet. -■-■"- Wholesale and lïetail GrlROOZEIR, A Large, Kew, and Clean Stock of Staple & JFaney Grocerles AJLWAT8 ON II AND l Tojcllier with a f uil and complete stock of ASD KÜJJBEK OOODS, ■rimenf of IjrcIScs' iticl ems' l'ntlei-ivcjtr, ilusierv, Gloves. &c. Special inducemeuts oilered ciish customurs. EDWARD 1UFFY, Cor. Malo and Aun Sts., Ana Arljor. ' nh p.iid for all Farm Producía. TWin + nfi To appoint Solb Agehts in WW CLIllbU ''"'.'■ '"'V11 - Smal] capital- ,- ,, D ,. mphlet ircu. h.. W. P. ro„ K Q. i THI ATRICAL. (SucccssortoJ. N. Gatland) ONLY I'RACTICAL y2:U 1 THEATEICAL f . 1 and Kasquerade ■O S rJL ÜMER f" J IN MICHIGAN. - Manufacturer and ■-jr.-. _. .- Dealer in Theatrioal Goeds and Wardrobes. Personal attention given to the production of AMATEUR PLAYS AND MASQUEKADES. Orders by mail or tclcgraph will receive prompt attention. 120 Griffwoid Btnsot, DETEOIT, Kiofe,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus