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YouShould Takelt In Pcïnt of Exceüence it ia TTnsurpasseil, and Efery Famiïy W1I1 Apprèclate and Enjoy iU Pemsal. Evory man shoiild mnke bis home as comportable and iittractive na potaible. A most easentia! requisfte to that end ia a good newspaper. The pont sal oí'auch a newspaper not only iusLÜlsin the risin? generalion alove of horae, bu( i fi constant Incentive to iinproveuunt. Simply aa au educattfr, andaside fromaHotber conyiderations. no pnrent should forego taking into bis family thi Dktboit Frbe Pbess. For the year 1S80 we have to ofPer the stand arel featurea whieh have made The Free Prers the most popular journal in the world, and with sucb aduition as will prove of special interest to Michigan readers. Addressinsr more particularly thefarmer, tto tafce extreme paina to procure complete and accurate market reporta. They embrace íarm products of eharacter, ÍDcIuaing live stock. The quotatiuos, conected to the day of publication f rom a 13 the lead ,hb veil as tb ose of Detroit, axe givuii euch " A carefully oranized system of regular eorrospondenoe throuphnut Miehiffan wiïl pivt; the readclyand complete intelligent) of all happenn the State. At tbis point we wish to remind readers that iho id íullett reporta aa -well :ia the earliest news of all important affairs, whether happeniDg in Michigan ore! i llbefound in the Frkb Fcxss, AVe miiiht reftr to the twomost recent nd terrible disasters in Michigan- the Adrián grand sLiUid horror and the Jackeon railroad accident - ;s examples, reinforced on frequent occasion by acof great public eyents which Tke Wf.kkly Fbks Presh hn luid before its readei-s in advance oí' ita contemporaries. No newspaper haa brighter or more intellig-ent ediiot i;il comments on the leading topics of the day. None surpass it in candor ; oone equal it in literary merii ; uone approach it in spice, aparkle and vivaciiy. Ita coriespondenco, by ita superior cxcallcnce, bas attiseted great attent ion and in tliis especial dedepartmentTHE I'ree Pkebs is acknowledged to stand at the verj front. Readers of The Fbee Pbkbb will receive thrnuf;h if.s columna a-a iBtelligible idea of new books of merit as they are frorn time totimepnblished. Libe; ni extracta and dibcvimiuating ïeviewa appear evcry week. Attention is giren to historien! topics, and artieles having special reference to oax own State are ia prtparation. ".THE HOrSEROtD." Everyissneol The Wefki.y Fkek Press ia ncCDiriij;nid by 'Ti,i;ii„(," ■ BnpplgtBe tfBToTéa to social and domestic topics, flovifi eultnre, fnncy irork, toilet and cooking recipes and houselioltl matten generally. It ia furniahed without extra üinree, ABd rery pnrehaseror subscriber to Tbc WkbkiiY FrxjbFküsis enUUed to iveeive a cojiy. ïo snm up, all must conclude that Thr "VTeeklt Fi;:k Press and "The Household "- a supplement whlch aecompanies ev ry issue- -ihouh furaished r for 1.50 a year, ooraparo in the amount and exoellenoe of contenta witñ the beat of the four dollar magazines. The Weekly Free Press and "The nousehold" together are furnished at SI. 50 a year. Liberal premiums, embrncing yearly snbpcriptions to the Tarioue magazines, etc. ara given for duba. Addreaa lettert to THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETROIT, MIICHGAJÍ. II1A1I COMPMÏ. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, S6,7S2,6-&9.S3. Loases Paid in 55 Years, SL-,7S0,S91.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, ncludiig Be-Insurance Reserve, $4r,735, 0S2.S6. Net Surplus over Liabilities, including Ee-Insuranco and Capital Stock, $1,735, C. MICKf Agent AnnArbor. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DEALEKS IJÍ IATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spectacles, PLATEO WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, .A-ZCsTIENT AEBOB, IMIICIH:g" Specinl atlention given to repairing watches clocks, and jewelry. Abstracts of Titles. A!1 porties wlio nre desirons of nscfi-taiflin the condilion of the titly to their lanf]3, or psrtiea who wisli to loan money on real estáte vill dowellto cali at the Begislex oüice and consult a Comparod Set of Abstract Boots. Safó books are bo far advanced that the Begister caa iarmsh uu short nolice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of lanci in Washtenaw County as sbown by the original reco C. H. MANLY, Eegister Real lisíate for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of AWMennw, Bs. ín the matter of Ihe estafe of Carrle I. Lytle and Ada. E. Lytle, minors. Notice H hereby iren, tbat Ín pursuance of au order graoted to the undi dianofsaid minors, by the Hon. J udge of Probate for the county of btenaw, on tlie Slat day of Jaauary, A. I). I88íi, there will lie sold nt pabilo vendue. to tlie highest bidder, at the Inte realdeaee of geymoui Lytle deoaased, in tie townabip of Northtièld, iu the connty of Washtenaw iu Baid state, on Saturdvy, tiih Thibiebnth day of A. D. : ten o'cloek inthe íorenoon of thatdnj-, (subject 10 all encumbrancea by mortí;nre or othi existing :t )w time oí tho sale, and also subject to tbs dower viglit of Phebe .1. Lytle, widow of Seyímnir Lytle, aeoeaaed, thereln), the undividod twofifthfl (2-5) part of the west half of the Southwest quarter of section tbirty-six Ín township one BOuth of ranga alx aatt, ezoeptlng twenty aerea ('rom the ' ad of siid land, and coutainin" aixty more or lesa, in Northlield, Washteuaw couuty Michigan. Datod, January 29, 1S80. ALÏON LYTLB, Guardian. I88O. Xlarpcr's Bazar. I tUSTRATED. This popular periodical is pre-eminently a journal for the household. Every number furmshes the latest information iu regard to Fashions in dress and ornaimnt, the uewcet and most approved patterns, 'with Oescriptive articles derived fioiu authentio and original sourcss; while its.Stories, Poems, and Essays on Social aud Domcstic Topics, give variety to its columns. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Xumberfor Januaryof each year. When no time is mentioned, It will be understood that the subscril. er wishes to commence with the number next after the receipt of order. JKarper's Periodicals. ITAHPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, S4 CO HARPER'S WEEKXY, " " 4 00 HAKPKR'S BAZAR, .... 4 0Q The TH REE.above-namea publications, One Year. 10 00 Any TWO above nnmed, One Year, 7 00 HAKPER'8 YOÜNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postage Free to 11 subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Anmial Volumes of Harper's Bazak, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by muil, postnge piiid.or by express, free of expenso (proíioed the I reight doe not eïceed one dollar oer volume) tor ich. A Complete Sel, comprisiug Twelri Voluma, sent on receipt of cmsIi at the rata of S5.25 per xomme,fre%gM al txpemt of purchaser. Cases for each volume, suitable fur blndinir, will besent by mail, postpuid, on receipt of SI 00 each. Remittances shonldbo madebyPost-OffieeMoney Order or Draft, to avoid chacee of los?. Nrwspapcrs art nol lo copy litis aiJm-ti,wmtnt without the express onkr c,r IIa'kpki: & Bkothies. Address HARPER & IiROTHEI), New York. GET YOUE PKOPEETY INSUEED BY G. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. Established .a quarter of a century ogo. Representing the following iirat class comnanies: Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Asscts over 56,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asseta orer f 3,000,000 Niágara Fro Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets ïl,J42,400 Oirurdoi Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 5700,000 Commercial Union of London, Assets $3,000,000 Rates low. Losses liberally adjusted and prom jitly paid. C. H. MILLEJf. ' i. To try the SewiBï lacle BEFORE YOU BUY. It is Simply Wonderiul IT IS SOLD AT J. F. SCEÜH'S Hardware Store. J)OSí'T READ THIS! JBuy Toar TOBACCOS & CI6ARS OJF SCHUTT. Tip-Top Chewing íor 46 cents CIGAUS CHEAP BY THE BOX. Corner Main and Hui on Streeta, ANJÍ ARBOR.


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