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E. A. Gott of Detroit was in town Tuesday. ' - S. T. Douglas of Detroit spent the ÍBabbath at bis home in Ibis city. - S. S. Ca'xkins of Cleveland, will do the talking beforo tbe reform club on Sunday. See John N. Gott's advortisement. Ho intans business. Everytliing at cost. Cali and see for yourselves. __"One World at a Time," is tbo subjrct of B. F. Ünderwood's leoture at Hill's opera house, Saturdny evening. - MissNellie M. Preston of Fenton, Mich., returned homo Tuesday aíter a visit with her sister Mrs. Dr. Franklin. A portrait of the late Judge Skinner o Ypsilanti, now painted, will soon be added to the collection in the office of i Judge of Probate. ' Will the lady who picked up a mink boa at the opera house and spoke to W. Watts about it on last Friday night, please leave it with Mrs. Todd, at the reform club rooms. - GeorgeW. Cropseyinvited anumber of guests, old friends and acquaintances ito dine with bis father on Tuesday that being the 90th birthday of the old gentleman, who is in good haalth for one of his aere. -Willis B. Silkwortb, formerly of Grass Lake, but for the past several years a clerk in Joo T. Jacobs' store, at Ann Arbor, has accepted a sltuation as traveling salesmau for a New York clothing house. Herrick's grocery stook ïn value about $1500 waa sold last week to Mr. F. D. Cummings of Chelsea in consideration of money advanced. His liabil'ities we understand are a fow thousand dollars to other creditor?. Mr. B. J. Billings is closing out the stock of goods on hand. - As an humorist, Prof. Eeynolds stands at the head of the profession. From ipersonal aequaintance with thegentlenan and what hecan accomplishin mesmerism we can safely predict he wil], provided he can procuro gubjects, keep n audience roaring with laughter. He s to appear at tbe opera house evfiry evening next week, - The comedy entitled "Dollars and !ents" was presented to quite a large udience on Wednesday evening, Janlary 21st, by the Barrett Dramatic club " if this city. The menibers, one and all, . lid theroselves credit. It is the intenion of the club to present a series of mtertainments which we think should ie liberally patronized, and by so doing enjoy an evening and encourage home talent. - Many of our oíd residents will be pained to hear of the death of Mr?. lEuzabeth Smith, widow of the late RevGeorge Smith, formerly presiding eider 'jof this district. fc$he died at her resijdence at Ann Arbor, on Sunday last, of ipneumonia. Mrs. Smith was an educated lady, foreinost in evory good work, ;and occupied, during her residence in Jthis city, a position of the highest social character. - Adrián Times. I, - There will be a unión musical and 'social festival at the Presby terian church jon Feb. 10, for the benefit of the chape! jfund of St. Andrews chureh, and of the jfund of the Ladies Benevolent society of the jPresbyterian church. The concert will be given by the Choral Union, Wder the direction of Professors Frieze ánd Cady, and the social entertainment jfollowing the concert will be given by the ladies of both societies, in the arlors of the Presbyterian church. Admission, 2ó cents. - Miss Maggie Quinn a young lady of 23 and of frail physique, has been tnaking her home at the Cook House 'the pasteight months through thekindness of Mrs. Jewell. By trade a dressmaker she found employment plenty, tut was unable to labor all the time. Her mother dying aome six months since her home was broken up although her father and relativos reside in the city. ;At 5 p. M., on Saturdaysheleft theliotel to do a little shopping, and, returning icomplained of feeling unwell. Eapidly einking, she died two hours later and was buried on Monday. - Officera of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance company are well pleas ed over the outlook for business for 1880. This month seventeen new metn■bers havo been added to the roll of meuibership, including several extensive farmers. For five months ending with this date, the company's losses have been trivial, viz: Joseph Collins of Webster, ,{9'-.07 damages to household goods by lire Sept. 25, 1879; George C. Lindsley of Saline, damage to house and consten ts by fire Jan. 1, 1880, $10. Total ,$102.07. Losses by fire for five corres.ponding months oue year ago, $4,598.23 'of whioh $4,400 oocurred in January, 1879. ' - Miss Katíe Hogers has in her studio jfeotne unusually fine work which she ,has recently finished. One portrait oí )ti young lady is very life-like, and the Hlack velvet dress and Honiton lace are laicely rupresented. Another is that of k boy eight yeara of age, the son of Mr. Gallagher of Webster. It is pairued life size, full length, and represents the ííboy in ari easy and natural attitude, Jleaning lightly against a richly cushioned ohair. The likeness and accessories ■ire extremely weü done. On the easel we eas'ly reeognize the portrait of Mrs. Mary E. Foster, lawyer of this city. The ;likene88 is very good indeed, and with (the soft gray hair arranged in pufts on Jeither Bide of the face forras a very fine picture. We hope our citizens will continue to appreeiate and encouragehomo feLility.


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Ann Arbor Argus