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Dexter Department

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- C. J. McGuiness has returneil from Eaton Rápida. - Johnniolteid returnod home Saturday, nfter a long sojourn at N. Y. - Masóme ball at Costello's hall, Friday evening. A fina time ia exprcted. - C. W. Guest has removed the large board fonce that stood in the rear of his hotel. Tbero was dolightful party at the rosidenne of Mr. John ltyan, Huuiburgl Friday evoning. - Abcut 20 couple assombled at the rcsidfiiioo of John Taylor, Thiirsday oveniiig, ftnd spont nn onjoyuble time tripping tho funtastio toe. Mr. Jas. Kearns left for Sylvan to attcnil his mother funeral, wbich took placo Mondny rnoming from the Sylvan ohurch, Itov. Fr. Duhig offioiating. - The Pinafore fovor has at last reoohed Dexter, and it remains to bo Been whetbpr it will assume an epidemical Form or die for want of enthuaiastic material. - A war of words was indnlged in by a couple of our prominent furruers Jttonday morning, each giving u fair biographicHl sketch of the other, to numeroua mttirested spectators. - The Episcopal social at Mr. Ed. Bennett's Tuesday evening was a most aleasar.t affair, and was very largely at;ended. The excellent music of the Wagor Bros. w5 fally appreoiated by all. - The maas meeting at It. R. ball undny evening was addressed by Mr. C. Boylan of Ann Arbor. Two other young gentlemen who acoompanied ïim made short addresses. A good crowd was in nttendnnce. - At a meeting of the Hcio School Lyceum Thusday evening, tho question: ' ]lesolved, That eloquenco haB accomalished more than roason," wasably discussod by Mossrs. A. T. Ilughos on the afnrmative and W. T. Sloator on the negativo. The deoision was in favor of he negativo. - Scbuyler Uolfax delivered his lec;nrt' on "Abraham Lincoln," at Costelo'8 hall Monday evening, to a largo and nppreciaiive audience. He ;ized Mr. L. in the higbest ïnanner )ossiblo, relating many interesting acecdotes of bis sadly terininated presidential career. - Married: St. Mnry's churcli, Pincl:ney, Jan. 2G, by Rev. Fr. Duhig, Mr. Jobn Watson of Marión, to Miss Ma:;;ie Honks of Pinckney. At St. Joseph's church, Dextor, Wednesday morning, VIr. John McQuillan to Miss Alioo Courtney, botb of Webster township, by Eov. T. Slattery. - The wife of Mr. Stephen Van Riper died at his residonce near Dokter Moaday afternoon. She feil a short time ago and sustained injuries from whiob she nevcr fully recovered, and which irobably hastened her death. Sbo was 68 years oíd. Funeral Wednesduy at LO o'olock from the house. - A couple of our embryo pugilista covorod thpmselves with glory by pouning a drunken man upon the street Tuesday evenir..?. It seemed to affüid grnat pleasure and esciteinent to a seeiningly anzious crowd who oheered vvhen the viotim could colleet atrength enough to stand up only tö be kaooked again. The Marshal, of eourss, was not arouad. - There were sis young lads of our quiet viilage who hungered for roinstrel ïotoriety. Eaeh accordiugly procured ;he instrument bost adapted to his musical talent ; also song and dance books, cos'umes, &c, and eecuring a room began a series of Tigorous rehearsala. In due time, thinking thsmselves qualified ;o exhibit their genius to the public announced it by quaiut posters, upon which, a lead pencil, in unexperienced lands, had done the "job printing." ïudson school houae was appointed the place of reception. But alas' jealousy having entered the hearts of the boys of that viehiity, thoy "oriueii plau to extermínate the invadors, and when the eventful night arrived scooped down upon the school house, and entering, regardk'Ss of ticket-vender or door keeper, put the youthful minstrals to flight. Some took refuge in a neighboring house, the others plodded their way hoiae through mud and rain, leaving fixtures, etc, in the hands of their victors. They have resolved to keep within the bounds of civilization ia the future.


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Ann Arbor Argus