Real Estate Transfers
W alter A . Ilolcomb to C.H.Wines. 10 acres in Sylvan. Consideration $250. Conrad Bissinger to Ilenry B Feldkamp. 148 acres ia Ann Arbor towuship. Considonition ;fi,öOO. Alfred Miller to Etnuiet E. Gates. - L ind in Lodi adjoiüing Saline villugi. Consii3(;r;iiiin $100. M. J. Noyus to Alonzo Conkrigbt. - Chclsea village lot. Considoratioii $350. Orrin C. Burkhart to SVillardC. Johnson. 3 acres in Lyndon. Considerution $500. C. II. Feit to Alfred Brower. 5 acres in Kharon. ComideratioB $300John C. Winans to George W. Richards. Che'.soa village lot. PricolOUO. Joseph Eisele to J. Jacob Knapp. - Land in Freedom. Considerati.m 4.04. Anson Harmon to John II. Warner.- Saline villagelot. Consideration -$3700. aUlT-CLAIM. John Hauss to Edwin E. SraUh. 18 acres in Bridgewater. Prica $100. Danforth Keyes to Edwin li. Sraith. 18 acres in Bridgowater. Price $100. Major D. Wallaee to David Forsliee. Salino villagolot. Con8Íderaton$2000. James C. Mo(ieo to Ann J. McGee. - Land in Sharon. Consideration $2000. Edgar Bogardus to Henry Thompson. Land in Augusta. Con3ideration $;j(jO. Ella M. E. Woodard. to Chas. Hogers. 100 acres in Augusta. Consideration $25. The Monroe Commercial contributes its mite to the Palmer boom.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Walter A. Holcomb
C. H. Wines
Conrad Bissinger
Henry B. Feldkamp
Alfred Miller
Emmet R. Gates
M. J. Noyes
Alonzo Conkright
Orrin C. Burkhart
Willard C. Johnson
C. H. Felt
Alfred Brower
John C. Winans
George W. Richards
Joseph Eisele
J. Jacob Knapp
John Jacob Knapp
Anson Harmon
John H. Warner
John Hause
Edwin R. Smith
Danforth Keyes
Major D. Wallace
David Forshee
James C. McGee
Ann J. McGee
Edgar Bogardus
Henry Thompson
Ella M. R. Woodard
Charles Rogers