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Various Accounts Of A Duel In

Various Accounts Of A Duel In image
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■ , Si nator Spencer, of Alabama, participatcd iv have : i au aiithontie narratñ '.'.i which there waa no .-; . The otlier :i. from ; ■ ■■ ' . aa follows: They roled al i Hall challenged ; ■ svere , but ■ dcsired size and u i'v liad firaoticed as :. boy throvving :i particiilar-shaped ■ a certain ■■. i ight, and a :smitb yas eni : wo of Ihe kim! wanted. l'Uia delaved the ting unti] afternoott. Fríeada intorf;rec! to stop the lijrht, hut neither etrnt, thouh ÜM3 délay prob- tved Ihe lifo of Hall, fur :ti. tliis monieni t!ie mail-oarrier carne wilh a ■ Eor Hall from his raother, vvho wrote thal ïw had just visited Spou■:t. and liow liappy thoy both wero to think of tlioiv tvvo boj's, who :■ (o take care each otber in case of siekness or trotible, if . Hall, alter reading the letter, passed it to his seecmd, w]o read and hamlefl i( to Spen ■:■■■' the latter givitjg it to Spcucer. Ai'icr the letter had '■■■■ ■ read all arouml, both principáis apo!og!zcd. - A bloody aftray recently oceurred near Lin1 [t appears tlial i'. H. Nicholas own!(] a sow which trcsbelongíng i'. A. i!. Crockefcfc, and had iis leg broken iu being driven o;l'C'n;-krirs place. They I met m the road and quarreled. 'icl!ilas was ii a wagoa, coming frorn Lintdale. Crockutt w:is '! liorseback. las threatened toprosecnteÖroekett fpr : i !;;i !,!il iri'cn done lo his sow. Crockett sai: " Wq'll tleright hei-c.t1 Nii ■' hr would on ahd ii Lia ln'1 spill, and tlicü him. Cro armed witb a et-knife. Nicholas liad a dirk. ïhoy ce enacjed n :i dcadly combat, in whicli KTicholas' throat was cu I í'rom his tongue dvopped oui on tln He was cut thirteen times, and diod at once. Cn - . , -.'■ eí ;hi on euts, and was butehered ' 1 reconition. He livc-0 : nt Qvo Iionrs. Botk lèrs . residing three miles froni Lintdale, and eacli bon reputatiou of being pcaceable. An Engbsh physician writes that he ia ready to distribute to the mernbers of hia profession calf vaccine lymph, whichhas, he says, several advañi over t:e human lymph now generally in use, namely, flrst, nopossible risk exista of comiminicating any human disease; second, the vessides prodticed by vaccination from the calf aro moró profound than those produced by i. tilo lymph, and henee alibrtl a greater protection against mall-pox; third, to the pepular outory against vaceination. - A]exis 8t. Martin, whose open ach furnished Dr. Beaumont an :' studyinj ■ the I ion, is still livat 8t. Thomas, Can. He is dei hale and hearty at the age of eighty-seven, though the orífice ui ii.-; stomach i-; . It will be re] that the wouad was the ree of buckshot accidentalceived, Eaying open the stomach, ■ fooa could be injected and removed at will by the attending physician, whose observations were of such great valué to medical 3cience. It is years siuce the accident occurred. Both in Norway and Sweden tlie women preponderate in number over the men. At the last census of Norwain 187-5, the total population was 1,817,1 : 886,000 were males :tiii 9 males, bcing at the rate ■; to evei-y 1,000 of the populaiton. In Sweden roportion of birtlis Í8 at the vule oí 61 1 boys to 4ts:) friris out of everj l,0K!. bul the moitality is in fevor of the ienmles, for the censns returns of 1876 186 iiieii to 51-t womea out of every 1,000 of tiie population. - j.;i .vv'.iitJiy relatives, well-to-do children and grandchiklren, an old lady agel over ninety years, was compelled to apply for adioission and was recently received in tito Paterson (Ñ. J.) Almshouse. ïh ntendent, J:r. Petry, refuses to divulgo her name, but knows her famüy, and says that she aske only for a quiet place in which she tuay await death, with a littlefood until then. She was widowed nineteen years ao;o for the third time. She had a considerable property, bnt was persuaded to part with it long ago. - A special from Hamilton, Ont., savs a horrible accident was rocently reported from Beverly Xowaship. A d John Schtunp, whilfl ti mpulling slumps on the farm, took shelter from a raia-storm under a partially-raised stump, andwhile there, by some unknown means, the chaina failed, allowipg the stump to f.-iil on the unfortunate man. whnse back was broken in tvv-o places and his intestinos foi-eeil tbrongh his abdomen. The man was stil] alive, but no hopeswere entertained of his reeovery. The reason why expresa search has been made in Zululahd for the Prince Imperial' 3 watch is that, attaohed to the chain, hia Higlmess wore that relie (a fragment of the truc cross) which belongect' to Charlemagne, carne into the hands of the first Napoleon, and was ahvays worn by the late Emperor, wlio regarded itas a species of talisman.


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