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The Ann Arbor Argus

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■-jBUSHED EVEBY FKIDAT MOBNING ue third story of the brick Wock corner of Main and Huron streets, ANNARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. Ent nee on Huron street, opposite the Gregory House. JOHN N. BAILEY, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. TERMS, 1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. RATES OF ADVEItTISING. ,1-ü. 1 1 w. I 2 w. 3 v. 6 w. 3 m. j 6 m. l yêar '■t 75!81 25 il 50 2 60 R 60 16 00 SS 00 Lu'i'ares 1 50 2 00 2 Ml 3 50 6 00! 8 OOj 12 00 SïïïeS 2 00 2 50 3 58 5 00 7 50 10 50 IS 00 1 sqco 'n 3 50 4 00 4 S0 6 00 10 00 16 001 6 00 V col'mn 4 00 5 00: 6 00 8 00 12 00 ÏO 00 30 00 Q O'Z S 00 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 24 00: 38 00 2 co mu ? 00 1 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 80 00 M 00 - coPmn 10 M '5 00 16 00 22 00. 35 00,60 001100 00 Twelve Unos or lees oonsidered a square. Cn ■'Is iu Directory, il.OOa line per year. Business or t -"ial notiees 10 cents a line for the Crït insert'on, ánd S cent for each subsequent inKYèa?iyadïC rsBavetheiprivilefreofchanging Iheir advertisement quarterly. Additional chaugin- -Bill be charsed for. -.(ton or l-rertisements unaccompsnied by wntten or o-i-nldir!':onswill be published three months, '.T-eitil'Stinsertion.TO cents per fnii ,-r cents per folio for each subsequent inser! 'en a postponement is added to an adverB ,the whole wül be charged the sanio as i'asertion. :■'.■!'■ - - „ j Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, ikct Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads nd other S )fPlainandFancyJob.Prinüngexecutcd Uh p. .mptnesa, and in the best possible stylo.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus