BUSINESS DIRECTORY'. (I-HEWCE TISKEK, Attorney at Law tna. jiicitor i Jhancery. Ypaüanti, Mieh. ■j-, f!. TAVLOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . J _", Ct "Isea, Mich. ,nÑAI,D 1WACLEA1V, Ttt. ., Phyjician X rndSu-eeon. Office nd remdence, 1 1 Huron strec'.Ann ff. Offlee houm from 8 to 9 a. m ■ ' f'im 1 ' ?. , ílffRS.íM)HÍ VOI.I-AND,M.I.,Fhy iV. and Surfceon. Office at residence, 44 A ii utr ft. Fill atlend to aU professional calis od1 day and night. T H. TACKSON, Dentist. Office corner W . Main and Wahinaton streeta, over Bach Sc store, Am Arbor.Mich. Aneethetics adminis-pTM f desired. EN. COOPEK, M. , Accoucheur and . Gynaecologirt. Office corn er Mam and Hurot t reets, Ann Arbor. ;r-fön7aSateuof1f U "eVty stretrAnn Aibor. Prompt attention pajd t i iuno-tuoittlf. __- __- . CKAMEK. FKUBAUFF & OORBIN, Attorneys at Law, K. K. FRUEAUFF, Jusüoe ol the Peace. All 1 usiness promptly ttended to. Office No. 8 bat ashington treet, EinBey and Seabolf 8 bloek. -ENEY R. HILL, Attorney at Law, De Beal Eütafce and Inburance Agent. 'o. 8 Opera Heuse Blook.AKNARBOR. „SBIOK ItRAtJSE, AUCTIOKBBE, ttendo all oles, on phort notice, lt;i' . rg JT For further purtieulars cali at the -FICB. TOPEAN HOTEL, Ypsilantl, Mlcli. . House, First-CUse Tble, Clean Beds, Low Prices. W. H. Lwis, Proprletor ; "TThTñTckeLs, FTcSH AN8 SALT MEATS, Hm, 9nM'e. Lard, etc., S VTF STREET, OPPOflTE KORTHWEST CORÍÍER OF Í3N1VEKBITY CAMPUS. Orders proniptly fllled. F&riners havüig meats -.1 givehim oall. "tIFann árbor TAVmGS BAITK AKN AKBOB, MICHIGAN. Sïïüi ------ -.SSiSSSiSS TrarsactB a general Banking Bneinees; buys ana Bells Exchangeeon New Yk, Detwit d Chicago; selle the of burope aleo, selle PaSMge Ticluets to Liverpool, London and Qlaegow, yia the Anchor Line of Steamships. whoee ratee ate lower than most other firetClThÍ8"ltok, already having alargebueineBS, invite machante and thersto open accoimta with them, withtheassuranceof most liberal dealing j v with Bafe banking. n theSavings Department interest is paid semi. mially, on the flret days of January and July, on ... raK that were depositad throe monthB previous to those daye, thus aflording the people of th8 city andcounty a perfeotly safe depository for their furds tügether with a fair return in interst for the Toney to I m Approved Securities I Deubel, and WiUard B. Smlth. OFFICEKS : MracTT vine W. W. WINE8, CHRIfeTIA MpACJd,ent vice present. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. EMAÑUEL tiSANN, Druggist and Pharmacist. g SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANS AKBOK has on hana a well slected stock of PTJKE DKTTGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilflt Articles, Shoulder Bracee, Tnisses, &c, which he offera for sale at prices to reit the times. B3" Physiciana' Prescriptions carefully prepared t all hours. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Maiu St., Have on handa large andwell selected Btock of DRUGS, . MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DTE STUÏTS, Artists and "Wax Flower Materials, Toilet ArticliS, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Bpecial attention paid to the farnishinR of Fliynicians, Chemists, SchoolB.etc, with Ph.losophical and Chemical Apparatus, Boheminn Chcimcaldlasswaro, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reiwents, etc. Physlcians' prosorlpllona cfticfuUy preparod at ti bóaü
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus