Tooth And Torture
It is popularly supposed that torture is a of the past. This is not the case. ïhere are chanibsrs of torture m every city in the land. There are instrumenta of torture therein that would cause the thumb-screws of old to blush at their inefficiency. The rack was a harmless amusement compared with these modern inventions. In this dread chamber of modern times is a comfortable easy-chair, and beside it is a litüe circular table that can swing around in front of the victim, and on that table a row of glittering instrument3 are placed, the sight of which would make the blood of a hcro run cold. These steel instruments are sharp and blunt and pointed and crooked and straight. A spirit lamp of small size throws its sickly flicker over the awful scène. There is any amount of apparatus around with unknown ñames but whose purpose is torture. The presiding fiend wears a sweet smile as he prods in tlio tooth for the nerve. He generally finds it. Whon the victim eiiher yells or groans the dentist pleasantly remarks, "Ah- alittle tender, is it?" It is at this supreme moment that the patiënt loses his patience and risos in his miffht, if he has strength enough left, and slays his tormentor. Verdict - justiliable homioide.- Petf F Pr""- A qualitative 'test for traces of mercury, whereby even one-ten thousandth of a gram may be mdicated, has been described by M. L. Teuber. A dry and powdered sample ot tüe material is mixed with ignited ironfilino-s and a little red-lcad. It is then placed in a crueiblo upon a layer of red-lead and covored with iron-filings. ïhe fumes given off in heating pass through the lid of the crucible and strike the bottom of a small gold capsule containiiig cold water. M. de Candolle, the French statistician, estimates tl it, a eentury henee, English wfll be the speech of 860,000,000 persons, Gemían of 124,000,000, aud French of 69,000,000.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus