How Cruel Is Fate! was a young man wlth a shaddock, Who met ayounu makl with a haddock. Ho thouirht, "How I wish She wou'.d give me that tisb, In le(?al cxehanse for my shaddockl The malden, who did not likc h atldoek, 'houg-ht, ' Oh, what a lieautiĆul shaddooKI lf 1 were not so shy, I 8hould certainly try f he'd give me that fruit for my haddocls. He went on his way with his shftddock; Shc went on her way with her haddock; And &') cruel is fate That, until 't was too late, Neither one of thcm heard That, byspenkinp the word, Be mibt just as well have had haddoeK, And 8ie miifbt as well have had shaddockl
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus