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Starving Ireland

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For months we have been reading of the dcstitution of tho peple of Iroland, whose appoals to thu peopla of tbis country have not in tho past been made in vain. A careful canvass vouched for by both Protestant and Catholio clergy, (ïi-ntry and officials, places the aggregate of starving people at over three hundred thousaud. Think of people living on anieal a dayof turaips and meal! In 8omo villages ohildren are crying for bread ; a violent fevor has brckeu out in other looalities. James Gordon Bennett of tho New York Herald gave $100,000 on Wednesday, and offers to print the names of givers to the small amount of 'ö cents. This is tho beginning of a grand outpouring of charity that will flow froui all poitions of this country. Thia adniinistration has got along pretty well in the line of scandal uu til recently. Close upon the heels of the iSoward consulate scandal comes anoruption from the interior department. - Hayt, commissioner of Indian affairs, has long enjoyed immunity fromspecific charges of dishonesty, because be held t.ho confldenco of secretary Schurz, who faithfully stood by bissubordinate until Hammond, Hayt's partner in frontier irregulaiities reached his supposed dpath-bed. Not wanting to die with perjured testimony left bebind, Hammond unbosomed himself, implicating Hayt in crookedness. The revelations startled t'ae admiuistration and Schurz feels doeply bumiliated over the recreancy of Hayt in whoiu he placed unboundnd confideuce, as also, llammond, who had heretofore done so much to purify the service from corrupt rings. It appears impossibleto find a man able to retain his honesty when tempted by opportunity as is presented in dealiug with the Indians. Let him start in iron ülad, he falla in due time. The bilí before the New York legislature, providing for the eelectionof presidential electora by congressional districts, is condemned by many of the more consoieutious inembers of the republioan party as a mensure of doubtful expediency. They admit that it would probably secure to thetn twothirds of tha eleotors, but thinkthat the general sentiment of the country would oppose the step and that it would in the end re-aot on tho party, The machine politicians do not trouble theinselviis on these pointe, not caring for the bowls of the democrats and feeling confident that republicans will not relapso iuto inconsolable grief over a devico by which they have profited, but they will probably defer action on the bill until late in tho session, when their course ■will be shnped by events. Some time ago it was announced that census supervisors would be selected equally from both parties. There was no ground for such an assertion save the fact that the senate might refuse to confirm the nominations, if all were taken froru the republioan party. Democratie senators espeeially from the south assert that a portion of the presidont's selections for that seotion are disreputablo, ana further, that there are no republioans fit to holrl the office. The annals of criminal history is without a parallel to the case of the Oswego Co., N. Y. raurderer. Orlando Greenfield, three times tried for the murder of his wife, and sentenced to be hung on i'riday, was re6pited four weeks by Gov. Cornell, throuijh iufluence of politicianp. His counsel wil! uow lay siege upon the executive for a eonimutation to life iinprisonmiint. The gallows uaay yet be cheated of ita fine. It would have been a little more satisfaotory to the legitímate press if Mr Osmun of the Detroit News had given' the names of the twenty-two wild-cat newspapers of Michigan started to "boost 6hystering politici ans in torespeetability" &c, he mentioned. in his address at the late meeting of publishers in this city. We tender to the republican party our heartfelt sympathy ovor tho defeat of their candidato for senator froru Mississippi. It made no difference if his ineligibility was known to intelligent persons, Jeff. Davis was a good enough scareorow to frighten timid northern souls. It served a purpose. About tho boldest act of political effrontery on record was that of John Kelly and his littlo gang of followers that bolted the ticket anddefeated Gov. Robinson last autumn and imperilling our success this year to meet in Albany to dictate the regular democracy of that state. Don Cameron has agaiu deinonstrated bis ownership of tho republican party of Peunsylvania. In conveution Wednesday at Harrisburgh, delegate8 to Chicago wero instruoted to vote for Grant by a vota of 133 to 113, and to vote as a unit was adoptad viva voce. Tho Blaine boom is assumingstartling propovtions; tho Sherman boom rears its heal occasionally froui a custoiu liuuse or intornal reveuue office; tho Grant boom ia ready to bury; meanwhilo Wushburno is being groomed as the dark horse. Kx-Seiator carpet bag Conover, now sustaincd on treasury soup, suys ï'lorida's doleg.'xtee will goto Chicago pledged for John Sliorman. Executivo order No. I, eaid Bomething about civil service reform, it is remembered. Jii3t af ter Grant landed in Cuba there Wiia au earthquake oommon to that country. The General undoubtedly oqustrued it into a "boom" for himself. 180,000,000 a dy it takos to run the world gomubody discovers. Some enterprisiug Yunkee willsoon offer to tako th! job for Iess moncy. Conflriuaturj ut' reporta oí famine tlireo deaths from starvation havo occurred iu county Louth, Ircland,


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