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VANRIPER. - Near Dexter, Jan. 26, Mrs. Anna M., wife of Stephen VanRiper, aged 68 years.

GOODELL. - In Superior, on the 25 inst., Aurilla Stevens, relict of the late Jothan Goodell In the 78th year of her age.

GRAVES.- In Ypsilanti, Jan. 30, of old age, Lyman Graves, aged 85 years and 7 months.

YOUNG.- In York, January 27, Samuel Young, aged 77 years.

VANTUYL.- In Ypsilantl, on the 27th inst., of peritonitis, Nelson R. VanTuyl, aged 56 years.

ESTABROOK In Ypsilantl, on the 23d inst., of a septic peritonitis, Alice C. Estabrook, aged 16.

ALLARDYCE.- In this city Jan. 25, William Allardyce, of diabetes, age 14 years,

DAVIS. - In Ann Arbor, Jan. 26, of consumption Luna C, daughter of George V. R. Davis, aged 18 years.

SPOOR.- In this city Feb. 1, Mary, wife of Chas Spoor, of disease of throat, lungs and liver, aged 65 years.

CRYSLER.- In Sumpter, Jan. 11, Mrs. Amanda Crysler.