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TTILL'S OPERA HOÏSE. ONE NIGILT ONLY. TUESDAY, FEBBUABY'IO. A BOOM INÜNSTBELSY Old Fornis Discauled. Iutroduction of New Ideas. tíENUINE COLOEED GENUINE COLOÏÏE LinrsTRaiiS i The Grcatesí Genuine Negro Min strel Conipan in tiie Worid. 10 END MEN ! 25 AETISTS ! A Brilliant Array of Talent ! WALLACH KINQ, BOHEE BEOS., TOM MoINTOSH, "The Cuban Wonder, " Josie Sallia de Brindis. Hogarth's fanious lftughing audlence wap not more ronvulsfd with laughter than are the audtences which nightly roar over tlie actu of Haverly's Genuine Colored Minstrels. Reaerved aeats aL Watts' Jewelry Btnre. HOWAEi) SI'EAE, Ast. TTIlt'S OPERA HOUSE. TLurBday Evening, Feb. 12th. A Majraiificeiit Attraction, Bartley Canipbell's Píew Urania, THE&ALLEYSLAVE. With its splendid New York cast, including Maude GraogT bignora Majeronii Frank Evuns, J. J. Bullivan, and the best company in America. ïhis play was the success of the New York season. Goigooua Costumes; Beautiful Scenery. Admission 75, 50 and 25 cents. No extra charle for reeerved eeata, now ou sale at "WatU's Jewelry Btore. EVEEYBODYSAYSTHAT S. B. REVENAUGH 18 THE Boss Pliotograplier of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court Hoose, lst floor. I88O. Harpev's Bazar. H.I.II9TRATED. Tliis popular periodical ispre-eminentlya journa! for the household. Every number furuishes the latest information in regard to Fasbions in dress and ornament, the uewest and most approved patterns, with descriptive articles dcrived from authentio and origina] sources; while ita Storiea, Poems, and Essays on Social and Domeslic Topics, gire varioty to its columns. The Volumes of the Bazqr begin with the flrst .Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood tliat the subscriber wishes to commence with the number aext after the receipt of order. Ilarper's Periodicals. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year, $-1 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, " " 4 00 HARPKR'S BAZAR, " " 4 00 'he TH REE above-nained publications, One Year, 10 00 Any TWO above named, One Yrar, 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year, 1 50 Postnge 'Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Annual Volumes of Habper's Bazak, in eat cloth bindinp, will be eont by mail, posta&e !ii, or by exprees, free of expense (proHaed the eight does notexceed one dollar per volume), for 7.00 each. A Complete Set, t-omprising Twelve Volw, vnt on receipt of caeh at the rate of S5.25 per oume, reiyitt at cajmise of purchaser. Cloth Cnsoa for eaehTolume, suitable fur binding, 11 bo sent by mail, postiiaid, ou receipt of $1.00 ach. Remittnnces shouldhemadebyPost-OfficeMoney rder or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. NtwtpaptTS are not lo mpy this atlverttsemrnt xoilhd the exprtts yrdtr ,f Habpeb 4 Buothkus. Addrcss HARPER 4 BROTHER, JSTcw Yo r k Yon Should Takelt In Poïnt of Excellence it is ünsurpassed, and Every Family Wlll Apprecïaro and Eujoy ils Perusa!. Every man should make hia home as comfortable and altractive as jjoasibie. A most essential requisite to that end is agood newspaper. The perusal ofaiich a newspaper not only iustillsin the riainggeneration aloveof homt but is a constaut incentive to improvement. fèimp ly as an educator, and asido from all othcr consid trations, no parent should forego taking into hi family The Detroit Fue e Pííess. For the year 1SSO ve have to offer the si and are features whleli huve mude The Fres Pkkbs the most popular journal iu the world, and with sucb additions as will prove of special interest to Michi gan readers. Addressinsr more particularly the farmer, we tak extreme pains to procure complete and accurat niarket reporte. 'J'hcy embrace farm jirodticts o every eharacter, including live stock. The quota tiuus, corrected to the day of pnblicntion from al the leading citiea, as wcllad those of Detroit, are gÍTen each week, A. caretully oranized systeni of regular corres pondence throughout Michigan will gíve the read ersearlyand complete inteiiigence of all happen iugs in the State. At Üiis point we wish to remiud readers that the best aud f ullest reporta as well us the earliest news of all important uifairs, whether happening in Michigan orelsewhere, -will be found in the Fbee Pkesh. We mifflit refer to the twomost recent and terrible disasters iu Miobigan- the Adrián grand stand horror and the Jack&on raiJroad accident - as examples, reinforced on frequent occasions by accounta of great public eventa whicli The Wkkkly FRBsPBE&shaa laid bef ore its readera In adv&ace of its conteniporaries. No newspaper has brighter or more intellifrent editoriol comaients on the leading lopica of theday. None eurpaes it in candor ; none equal itinliterarymerit; none approach it in spice, sparkle and vivacity. Itu its superior excellence, bas attracted great attestioD and m tbi3 especial dedt.partn)ent The Free Pkebs is acknowledged to stand at the very front. Keaders of The Fkee Prebs will receive through its columns an intelligiblo idea of new booke of merit as they are from time totimopubliahed. Liberal extracta and discrimiuating reviews appear every week. Attention ia given to historica! topics, and articles having special referenco to our own State are in prtparation. ",THE HOlTOEHOI,D. Every issue ot The "Week ia' Fkee INess is acconijianiod by " The Household," a supplement devoted to social and domestlc topics, flowui cilture, fancy work, toilet and cookiug recipes and household mtitters generally. It is furnished wthout extra charle, and every purebaseror 8ubscri)er to The Weekly Frek TuEbS is eutitled to reciive a co]y. To aura up, all must conduele that The Wiekly Frke Pkesb and "The Household" - asnppltrncnt which accompanies every issue - ■thougfa iurijshed together for ííl.50 a year, compare in the anount and excellence of contenta with the best of tht four dollar magazines. The Weokly Tree Presa and " The Household" together are furnishtd at 1.50 ajear. Liberal premiums, ombruoing ye.irly Bubecrip. tiona to the varioue magazines, etc, are given fo clubs. AdJrcsa letters to THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, DETROIT, MIICHGAJ. JACOB HALLER &. SON, DEALEKS IS IfATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Spoctacles, PLATED WARE AND GOLD PENS, 24 South Main Street, Special attention given to repairing watclies ocka, and jewelry. DETROIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWIiSTEKN KAILROAD. To tuke effect Nov. 16, 1S79. OOINO WEST. QOINO KAST. TATioNb. Preight. Mail. btatioks. Mili. Fr't. A M P M fpHilanti ... 7:00 5:40 ' oledoJune.. 7:2.ï Si 08 Bankers 7:10 1:M uline 8:00 (i:15 Hillsdale.... 7:20 1:60 ridgewater.. 8:85 6:33 Manchester.. 3:25 6:00 anchester. 0:25 0.62 Bridgrewater 'J:17 5:30 P.M. Saline 10:07 6:15 illsilale 12:45 3:48 t Toledo Juno. 111:25 6:S6 Jaukers 1:00 9:00 YpBilnnti 1H:4O 7:00 ïruius run by Uhieufio timft, W. F. l'ARKEB. Bvv ïpailanti.


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Ann Arbor Argus