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- The city owes $21,'Jj(i. - "Beantiful Snow" why don't you oome along. - John E. Clark of Tecumsüli will address the reform club Sunday. - Grape culture will forra the topic of discussion at Saturday's moeting of Pomologists. - The grand encampment of Odd Fel[ows moet in annual sossion in this city Feb. 11 and 12. - Reeorder (Jlarlt reccived for sale of '.iquorsin 1878, $418.77; in 1879, f242.70, sdecrease of 170.01. - Newsboys and bootblacks must aereafter wöar properly numberod badges. Ara wenotbecoaiingmetropolitani' - A family of seven children are made arphans by the death of George Iluas late dealer in boota and shoes oa Liberty Street. - Three safes ordered by the board of iupervisors have been placed in the Probate, Clerk and Treasuror's offices. Price f400 for all. - John Kapp and Chas. IL Jlanly atiended the second annual sessioa of the grand lodge of Michigan' A. O. U. "VV. beid ín Detroit on Tuesday. - The pólice gathered in ten persons luring January, specified thus: vags2; .srceny 2; druukand disorderly 4 ; burrlary 1 ; habitual drunkard 1 . - The Michigan Central railroad jorapauy paid its state taxes 011 Saturjay last. The amouut was $140,000, íhich was paid with a single draft. - Coiioidering the lease for the post ofJoe in ita present locationhasíour years to run before expiration, it seeins somofflmt prematuro to agitate its removal. - Mr. Audrevy Peterson, tuiller for fielato firin of Swathel, Ailes & Kyer, has purchased the one-quarter interest óf Mr. Ailes aud assumed possossion fcday. - Parnell, tho distinguished gontleBjü drawiug great crowds to hear him [escribe the suffering of Ireland, is anluunced to speak in this city on Satiiday, Feb. 21. - Eev. Mr. Sunderland will begin jeit Sunday a series of six moruing lerinons on "Imtuortality." Subject of int sermón, "Iufluenco upon Sooioty of lEolief in Imuiortality." -A naptha agent has struck thetown ud induood the Council to considerthe idrisability of lighting the streets with liitha. Vt'o havo no coníideuce in its uteesa hoving observeil ita failure tíheitero. - The poor which ye alwaj-3 have liong ye were aidod by marshal Johnmilast uionth to thisextent: First ward, I5; Second, 121.66; Third, 2Ü.99; ferth, 140,07; Fifth, 21.91 ; Bixth,$4. lloUl; 135.88. - I -ïhe motioa of the appellant in the jteiebrated case of Silas II. Douglas, jtoroplaiuant and appellant, vs. the ïegents of tha University from Washtejmv circuit, to dispense with printing the record or a part thereof of the court Below, is denied by the supreme couvt. I -Rev. Goo. Muellor of England wiil 1: iu the Presbytfcrian church Sun;rning; to the Geroiansiu the same i Suuday afternoou; and ia the eïerln will hold au union service at uhersity hall, members of the evangeliCdlihuiches joining iu the services. -The "Vaudevílle CuLubiuation a e hailing from this city, and jcominended according to a correspoa,deu'. of the Adrián Press by Messrs. Ver and E. E. Frazer, are protty et down upcm" by LeuaweeCo., jpifcrs after giving an exhibition in ■ -Bartley Cainpbell'a new drauia, "Re Gralley íáiave," which has iuet with imense success elsewhere, will be preled at Hiil's Opera House, TUursday erming, Fub. VI, by the original Kw York cast, inoluding Maudo Grager, Higuora Majeroni, Frank Evaus, J.J. Sullivan, aud others. - Itis rumored that Prof. Wataon, lite of the university of Michigan, is to bemade director of the Lick t of California, with a fund of several oiilliona (more or less) to draw froin in hying telesoopos and other things Heded to equip that whioh is proruised to be the ñuest obsorvatory in the World. - After a confmernent of two months ot mote frota dyspectie troubles, Dr. Baekus is again ablo to be out and attodto professional business. He has ow assooiated with hiía Dr. II. C. Alta, late of Detroit, for the purpose of imtinuiag the practioe of medicino idsurgery. Office as heretofore, corla Ana and Fourth streets. -Between the voluniinous Recorder ad the voluminous report he has in pwparation, there is a voluminous vol.immousness hitherto unkuown to the o!aminous records of the city. All of fchich volvimiuous volume must be subPÚti-d to the voluminous city fathera r"ti will uiïïcially voluminously gather "ptber March 1 to duly consider the uminou3 report of volumist Clark. -AU people who think Ann Arbor is ot livoly in a business point of view, 'ould atteud John M. Gott's mam'rth closiug out tale of dry goods at !'oal cost. , It is simply astoniahing to 'opinandsee the men, women and 'ildran bustling about, all striving to win the attention of the clerks just tg enough to gratify pressing wants. . bargains offered are appreciated 7 those looking for low prices. ! -"Notwifchstanding the unfavorable 'Wther of last night, the Boston The"8 was filled and jammed in eveiy rt by the audience attracted by the 'opening of the theatro and the flrst 'Pwrance here of Haverly's genuine "lored Minstrels. As was expected, "evening was rich in music and "' The comi)auy whioh is com1 'e?i of the best membors of the S Georgia Minstrels, reinforced by totous other first class colored artists,


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus